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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/19/2013 in all areas

  1. Just so I don't run afoul of Michael, a summary: I have been in touch with Jim by email. With his help I got set up with TortoiseSVN and have pulled down the OpenG string source, for starters. I plan to update Scan Variant into String per the code above (but not with the FXP support, just yet) and include some new vectors in the test harness for enums (at present there are none). Beyond this string fix, I'd like to add FXP to the known types in lvdata, but that will propagate through string and variantconfig and perhaps others. I suppose if Mads wants to take on the array package changes we can all get what we want in a pretty comprehensive set of new releases. And Jim told me he's cool with moving OpenG up to LV2011. It's good to know that OpenG still gets support! Dave
    1 point
  2. Any chance the updated array functions could be evaluated/included as well? The new Delete Array Elements functions for example can deliver a 100X speed increase compared to the existing ones.
    1 point
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