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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/26/2014 in all areas

  1. Over in the community forum, I have finally gotten around to posting the prototype for my serialization library. The prototype supports serialization to and from JSON for 9 data types and to XML (my own schema) for the same 9 (listed below). https://decibel.ni.com/content/docs/DOC-24015 Please take a look. I've made it a priority to finish out the data type support for the framework generally and for the JSON format specifically. I will need community help to tackle any other formats: the framework is designed to make a single pair of functions on a class handle any file format, but the particular formats on the back end are not my specialty. Please post all feedback on the ni.com site so that they stay all in one place and I can follow the threads easier.
    1 point
  2. You asked for it. A little cleaning went a long way, just did not have a chance to document things very well (have to jog my memory for that). This was built with piecemeal documentation, mostly to the original iso-spec, and with a lot of reverse engineering. Seems to work as well as my iPhone reader, hard to tell which one is the problem in a few corner cases. Not sure if I want to be on the hook for documentation/support if I posted to the CR, maybe a NI community page is in order, or Mr Mike will sort his out and add to the page. By all means let me know of any bugs, certainly a lot of version/EC combinations have not been tried. QR Generator.llb
    1 point
  3. There's a problem with the variant configuration VIs, where if the cluster has an array of classes, that array can be saved, but it cannot be loaded: The problem comes from the type descriptor analysis, which recognizes the class as a refnum, and thus attempts to create an array of refnums, which the class isn't. I'm not sure if there's anything which can be done about this (because it's quite possible that constructing a temporary LVObject and pushing the flattened data into it will fail because LV expects the object to be of a more specific type), but I did find something that looks like it might allow recognizing the object, as can be seen in the attached VI (LV 2009). Array of classes bug.vi
    1 point
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