Just a tiny bit more involved really!
I just received my result back of my own CLA certification and passed, although barely. The comments on the sheet about what all still would need to be implemented simply sounds ridiculous to be finished in anything near to 4 hours.
So prepare with the sample exam, and make sure you get your basic framework for that done in the shortest possible time. I would say if you can get your basic framework with skeleton VIs for all the sub units like GUI, Error handler etc. within less than an hour then you are more or less ready to take the exam. After that hour you can start to stamp all the requirement tags in the different VIs and start to fill in the raw diagram structures according to the requirements. One advice: rather than trying to implement real code, describe what needs to be done in text inside the various structures as much as possible. That will save you some time.
And yes, if you are able to power create your basic framework without much thought, you can recreate that for the real certification almost blind, with some minor variations.