Who wants to resurrect a post . I have a white board in my cube and posting this example has been on my list for a while. Attached is an example of this progress bar loading splash screen I tried to describe a year ago. Nothing too special but I use something similar to this in my production applications.
Build the Normal EXE and you'll end up with a 6MB file that when ran shows no UI for about 3-5 seconds. To make it worst add the 8th actor to the main VI along with the other 7. I removed it because it took way too long to build an EXE. The total VIs in memory with it added was around 4500. If you are missing any VIs feel free to delete them, or that entire actor, it is only meant to bloat up the number of VIs in memory and they are never even ran.
Then build the With Progress version and you still get the 6MB file but the UI is shown within a second showing the progress of each actor being loaded into memory with an option to cancel. Then once each actor is loaded it loads the main and runs it.
For this to work the Launcher is the top level VI and Main is set to always include. And there is a Pre-Build action that gets a list of the actors, and their relative path to the VI to load and writes it to the config file used in the EXE. This Pre-Build action is more elaborate in my production applications because not all actors sit in a folder called "Actors". Instead it opens the project and navigates based on library names, and connector panes but the idea is the same.
EXE Loading Progress.zip