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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/01/2014 in all areas

  1. Silly David, just put a mirror beside your banana and then you're good to go...
    3 points
  2. Ah, I pity you poor, banana-slicing-challenged souls. There are a few of us out there who were lucky enough to be employed at Baskin-Robbins as teenagers during the summer. The Banana Split is often regarded as the ideal ice cream treat, but let us not forget the Banana Royale (not with cheese), an ice cream treat for the more budget-conscious banana-craving ice cream connoisseur. Whereas a Banana Split includes bananas sliced longitudinally which elegantly cradle three scoops of ice cream, the Banana Royale consists of two scoops of ice cream dropped rather unceremoniously upon the result of a banana which has been sliced several times perpendicular to its axis. I cannot recall how many Banana Royales I prepared during my storied 6-month Baskin-Robbins career, but it was enough to prepare me for a lifetime of effortless banana slicing. All this to say, if I happen to win Norm's inexplicably-coveted prize, I would be happy to pass it on to any of you who require mirrors and yellow plastic implements to slice your bananas.
    2 points
  3. Dude. Forget all these silly electronic gadgets and gizmos. I want the banana slicer! However I am skeptical about the whole right side only thing. I'd say roughly half of all my bananas are left facing and I this thing would be useless for those. I guess I'll just have to throw those out...
    2 points
  4. Just in case you didn't see on the registration form, I'm replacing the flight around Austin with something much more practical and life saving instead of endangering The official Hutzler 571 Banana Slicer (the right bending banana version only) For decades I have been trying to come up with an ideal way to slice a banana. "Use a knife!" they say. Well...my parole officer won't allow me to be around knives. "Shoot it with a gun!" Background check...HELLO! I had to resort to carefully attempt to slice those bananas with my bare hands. 99.9% of the time, I would get so frustrated that I just ended up squishing the fruit in my hands and throwing it against the wall in anger. Then, after a fit of banana-induced rage, my parole officer introduced me to this kitchen marvel and my life was changed. No longer consumed by seething anger and animosity towards thick-skinned yellow fruit, I was able to concentrate on my love of theatre and am writing a musical play about two lovers from rival gangs that just try to make it in the world. I think I'll call it South Side Story. Banana slicer...thanks to you, I see greatness on the horizon.
    2 points
  5. I was looking for 2013 SP1 and the google link took me to the "latest release" page which looks like it's just been updated with 2014. Looking through the release notes and the only great! feature I saw was the Reviewing and Updating Type Definition Instances. This one always frustrated me to no end. Now, it makes efforts to map automatically update default typedefs and if it can't decide how to do it, it puts the instance in an "unresolved" state and prompts you to manually update it. I really didn't see anything else of much note. Probably the lightest new feature bump I can ever recall... Mike
    1 point
  6. Okay just finished installing and a few things stick out. The Full and Professional include PID and Fuzzy Logic, and the Professional now includes, Database Connectivity, Desktop Execution, Report Generation, Unit Test, and the VI Analyzer. Doesn't this make the Developer Suite appear less attractive because compared to last year there are less things between a Professional and a Developer Suite? Does this mean NI will be lowering the price of the Developer Suite? It also has a section talking about Automated Test Suite, Embedded Control and Monitoring Suite, and the HIL and Real-Time Test Suite but the link is broken at the moment. It is listed at the moment as http://www.ni.com/labview/suites The Clear Errors which allows to specify an error code only accepts a scalar and not an array of errors to clear. The OpenG versions have existed since version 6.x or so and supports scalar or array as a polymorphic VI. I'm curious to see how the TDMS Set Properties NI_MinimumBufferSize affects performance, and file size when used right. One could argue that the High Resolution Relative Seconds is an idea exchange item and should be mentioned. Also the Hidden Gems mentioned in that idea exchange puts it on the palette among other goodies for other versions of LabVIEW. The Replace with Case Selector feature is nice. You select an input tunnel and it basically wires the case selector tunnel through it. That means this works for any datatype including error, string, enum, etc. Is Path and Not Empty is nice. I've made my own over the years but still nice to see it native. Custom documentation is nice for things like linking to PDFs. Same goes for linking to PDFs in the help menu. I've been able to do this just by having a VI in the help menu that opens the PDF. Application Builder now can make a folder with the version of the build which is super nice. But I've been doing this with Post-Build VIs.
    1 point
  7. Downloading now, I'd like to play with it a bit before NI gets a chance to tell me how great it is. 32-bit 64-bit I sorta agree, not much that excites me, but last year had some good stuff.
    1 point
  8. But seriously when I had this issue, the easiest solution was to checkout the project to the shortest path I could. Since then I check out my code to C:\SVN\Project Name. VIPM also had issues in the past because it would build packages in a directory along side the source but I think they now build in a temp folder for this reason. EDIT: Oh and as for builds we do put the EXE in source code control but not the installers. The reason for this is because if I build a LabVIEW EXE, then build it again with the same source code, the EXE's won't be the same bit for bit. They may function the same but there is no way to know for sure that the 1.0 EXE is the same functionality as another 1.0 EXE. So if we needed to make a new 1.0 EXE by rolling the source back, then rebuilding we wouldn't know it is the same as the 1.0 made previously. I don't really like that some builds are in source but it makes life much easier when I need to roll back and try a previous EXE.
    1 point
  9. rasmusvt, Have you timed how long it takes for a single acquisition? Is that time consistent? If not you may be running into Windows delays? Try increasing the priority of your VIs. Also remove debugging from them. That may help speed up your acquisition time. Are you getting your DAQ and stepper data in parallel or series? If series, you should change your acquisition steps to run in parallel. Putting these processes in separate loops wouldn't allow you to have the time synchronization that I believe you are looking for. Did you create a DAQ task in MAX or are you using discrete setup steps in your loop? Make sure you look carefully at what is in the loop and pull out stuff that doesn't need to be done every time the loop iterates. I find creating DAQ tasks in MAX to be a very easy way to get them done. All that is need is the start task VI and then all you do use the read data VI.
    1 point
  10. We all know a poet named Darren He writes limericks with much love and carin' We love a good rhyme And appreciate his time Here's hoping he never goes barren
    1 point
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