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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/09/2014 in all areas

  1. Hi Guys, I have an idea, I want to try and promote the various open source communities and highlight top projects as well as guide people on how to work/publish open source code. It's my belief that if we can promote this form of collaboration we can end up with better tools and libraries to build better software. Examples like the JSON library here really make me believe this. As such I've set up a group to try and find likeminded folk on the darkside. If you interested in helping then head over to https://decibel.ni.com/content/groups/open-source-labview and we can start to get some ideas together. Cheers, James
    2 points
  2. You are going to want to learn how to use the event structure. Your code continually regenerates the images with no wait in the while loop. This will consume tons of CPU resources for no reason if the user isn't interacting with the controls. Using an event structure will also have better response time for large images. I loaded a large image and tried to exist and I had to wait several seconds for the final conversion to complete. Using an event structure it will be immediate if nothing else is being done at that time. Is there a reason all subVIs and primitives have their labels shown? Is there also a reason all labels are bold? The value of Off Channels also doesn't change within the loop, so there is no need to continually read its value and become a FF or a 0. The error data type can have boolean operations like Not operated without having to pull out the Status. As for your questions, (sorry it took so long to get to that). The IMAQ image code has many more tools for doing ROI on sections. The IMAQ tools for ROI are free to download, but to do any manipulation with that image using the ROI you'll need the vision toolkit which isn't free. I added a quick Image Subset to your program but I doubt it is fully what you want. You may be able to get away with using multiple image subset and stitching them together. Attached is my updated version using the changes I mentioned. Jpeg Color Editor Hooovahh Edit.vi
    1 point
  3. ....... I think a lot of people would disagree with that, but that's probably a topic for another thread
    1 point
  4. Yes there is such a VI. That VI is provided by NI. It's located at '\vi.lib\Utility\libraryn.llb\Is Name Multiplatform.vi' in LabVIEW 8.6 and up. For older version look in 'project\llbedit.llb\Is Name Multiplatform.vi' Ton
    1 point
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