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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/29/2014 in all areas

  1. I don't think many will realise what a great Xmas present this is but I do and thank you for the change.
    1 point
  2. Just a small Christmas present to the community. You'll notice that LAVA is now running from an https URL instead of http. You shouldn't notice any difference in behaviour. But if you do, let me know. If you are using images in your signature. Please link to the https versions. You can use the lava gallery to host your image. Enjoy. PS. Some topic threads may give you a mixed content warning. This is because some of you embed remote images.
    1 point
  3. I'll add to this case: project currently contains ~3000 VIs and ~300 classes. The code, written in LV2013, is shared between PC and RT PXI target. We've separated compiled code when the project already contained significant amount of code. The reason for this was irritation whenever someone tried to commit some minor changes into SVN, but found out that this minor change triggered changes to half of the project hierarchy. It was especially problematic when 3 people was making some heavy developmement on different modules and LV decided that it should recompile some libraries that didn't even had any apparent connections to each other (well, I think there are few to none people in the world currently who fully understand the ways of LV compiler ;P ). So we've separated code. I don't have any solid metrics to it, but we've concluded that our commits became clearer and number of conflicts dropped (ok, there is one metric - number of "wtf is this VI that is marked changed? I swear I've never even known it existed" dropped drastically). Now for the most interesting thing: the effects on deployments and builds. We have absolutely no evidence or even feelings that separation has made anything worse. By this I mean the deployments to RT were just as buggy, unreliable and painful as before separation, but not more. I remember at some point we've even tried to reattach the code (of course, with whole cache clearing, recompilation, etc) to check whether it would help with deployments and it didn't help at all. As far as I remember, we've even reverted the repo to the point before separation and first thing we saw when tried to run the code on RT was "Deployment completed with errors" You're absolutely right about problems in versions before 2013. I know from my collegues that they tried it in 2011 or 2012 in smaller project and failed. Summing-up: code separation seems to be very convenient for the team developement (but as I said - I have no metrics, just the general overview of changes commited to repos and feelings in the team). The deployments and builds of code which is shared between different targets are just generally broken, they don't seem to be more broken with compiled code separation as of LV2013. The apparent deployments fix when reattaching the code is probably just due to some recompilation happening in the process and is not connected directly to this option.
    1 point
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