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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/18/2015 in all areas

  1. I tried to install one of my packages using VI Package Manager 2013 and was surprised to see the error message "This package is not compatible with any LabVIEW version on this computer." The package is supposed to be compatible with any LabVIEW version >= 8.6 and I have 2013 installed. After some Googling, I found this: http://digital.ni.com/public.nsf/allkb/9A84C532AB9268BD86257CEF00794E70 It turns out that I had compiled the package using VIPM 2014 and thus it is not compatible with VIPM 2013. I suppose that this makes sense but the error message shown in VI package manager is very misleading. So in conclusion... Keep VIPM up to date otherwise you might get misleading error messages when trying to install new packages.
    1 point
  2. Yeah this problem has been posted on these forums, and the JKI ones. I believe you get a more informative error screen if you try to just install one package, by going to the File >> Open Package File(s). 2014 adds some new features that weren't supported in 2013 so JKI pulled an NI and just don't support opening 2014 packages, in 2013 VIPM.
    1 point
  3. In order to better schedule the code, a timed loop is placed into its own higher-priority thread. Since there is one thread dedicated to the loop, labview must serialize all timed loop code (as opposed to normal labview where code is executed on one of a ton of different threads). This serialization is one of the reasons the recommendation is only to use them when you absolutely need one of the features, generally synchronizing to a specific external timing source like scan engine or assigning the thread to a specific CPU. So it will not truly execute in parallel, although of course you still have to show labview the data dependency in one way or another. For some reason this is not documented in the help for the timed loop, but instead for the help on how labview does threading: http://zone.ni.com/reference/en-XX/help/370622K-01/lvrtbestpractices/rt_priorities/ I also wanted to note that a sequence structure does not add overhead usually, although it can make code execute more slowly in some specific situations by interfering with the normal flow of data. That shouldn't be the case here as you're only using a single frame. Its essentially equivalent to a wire with no data. Also, timed loops are generally not recommended on windows, which it sounds like thats what you're using. They may still be used, and should function, but because windows is not an RTOS you won't actually have a highly deterministic program. This makes it more likely that the costs of the timed loop outweigh the benefits.
    1 point
  4. Who likes to resurrect 6 year old posts...this guy. So over the years I've updated my LabVIEW Tray Launcher tool. It has very similar functionality as the one mentioned 6 years ago, but with some new features, and a few features that are the same but done better. Launching, killing, and restarting LabVIEW versions should work on all versions, but it is untested with 64 bit versions. It has been tested in 64 bit Windows, with 32 bit LabVIEW. Aborting VIs should work on all versions 2011 a newer. Older versions can be supported with more effort. Aborting VIs don't abort asynchronous clones. LabVIEW Run-time, or development 2011, 2012, 2013, or 2014 needs to be work. Others can be supported with more effort. By default opening VIs, and CTL files is done through this program and not LabVIEW. This allows these files to be opened in the right version. Other file types have varying level of support, but should work if they are added to the settings. If multiple versions of LabVIEW can open a file a dialog will show the available options. If only one version of LabVIEW can open the file it will open it with that version. If multiple versions of LabVIEW can open a file, but one is open already that can open it, it will open it with that version. If Shift is held when opening the file, a prompt will always be shown giving the option of what version to open it with. When opening the file VI Server is used, so unique server ports are needed between LabVIEW versions. If VIPM is configured and works, so should this. Pressing CTRL at the LabVIEW selection screen will open it in the default version of LabVIEW, or the oldest if the default isn't an option. This is all hosted on my personal site for now. It is a little large for a forum post, and the Code Repository blocks it, probably because it contains EXEs. So for now it will live on my site here.
    1 point
  5. Good luck with it. Xmodem_VISA.zip
    1 point
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