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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/24/2015 in all areas

  1. What? Been there since pre-8.2? Who's been laughing at us flailing around with locked-down multi-VI XNodes (or multi-multi-VI polymorphics) for years? This seems to answer 99% of my (and everyone elses) requests for a simple type-adapting VI. Looks like a very simple XNode without any type-checking (e.g. wire a Boolean to the Delay input and it generates the code but breaks the calling VI). But if the programmer can be trusted, it looks incredibly useful. I would presume it has the same caveats as using an XNode, but if it's now "released" (thanks jkodosky, who I imagine has some mandate to do so) it would be good to know anything to be aware of. BTW, this is certainly not the same as the buggy, non-supported Generic VI that was dangled in front of us some time ago.
    1 point
  2. I used scripting and low-level VI editing to generate a VI with every single decoration object in LabVIEW, at least those with ID's 0 to -4096. There may be some out of that range (and many in that range don't have a valid image associated with them) but this range contains a lot of them. 0 to -4096.vi
    1 point
  3. So far as I know this isn't possible to work around since its an array. However it should be possible to get a "Mouse Down?" or similar event on the combo box which would potentially allow you to figure out which index you are at and then fill in the elements programmatically. The values would still be identical for all combo boxes in the front panel, but the user wouldn't know because the values change every time they click. On the other hand, if you were just getting ready to manually edit each combo box's values by hand, it may be just as well if you simply make a cluster with all the combo boxes you need.
    1 point
  4. Attached is a demo using the VIM events. It works pretty well, when it works, but the VIM technology is far from production ready as we were warned.. If you don't see any broken arrows, don't go changing anything until you've run it . You will probably find there are no icons where the VIM should be but don't let that put you off. If you have broken arrows then you will have to go around re-attaching the VIM to the events. Sometimes event names get detached, especially when you are changing the VIM. It gets very confused which instances are attached to what so you have to beat it into submission There are two demos. One is just a few of the events in while loops that exercise the event VIM - you have seen the diagram already in a previous post. The other is a fun demo that may or may not work for you out-of-the-box (make sure the sound is on ). VIM Msg Example.zip
    1 point
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