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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/08/2015 in all areas

  1. Hello everybody. I just wanted to show LabVIEW running on an Asus Vivotab 8 tablet. The tablet was purchased in a good deal for $139 (now gone), but can be purchased from Microsoft for $149. It runs the Intel Atom Z3745 "Bay Trail" quad-core cpu, has 2GB of ram (most other value tablets only have 1GB ram), and 32GB of flash, plus a micro SD slot and USB OTG. The unit I purchased came loaded with Win 8.1, but I believe the units being sold by MS come with Win 10 preloaded. I downloaded the LabVIEW 2014 SP1 runtime engine directly to the tablet and installed it with no issues. I then updated the tablet to Windows 10. I used my Win 7 pro laptop to create a simple application that throws some white noise into a waveform graph and compiled it to an executable. I transferred the application to the Vivotab 8 using a micro SD card, and ran the app directly from the SD card. It runs LabVIEW runtime like a champ. Very fast loading (although it is a simple app) and fast screen updates, virtually no difference from my laptop. So if you want a great tablet that will run LabVIEW for around $150, this puppy will do it. Shouldn't there be a forum category devoted to LabVIEW on tablet & phones? There is a PDA category, but that seems a bit dated.
    2 points
  2. Oh yes. Nearly forgot Here is the TCP Telemetry VI that fits in that space on the main diagram that I spoke about in the other thread. TELEMETRY.vi Just drag the VI from explorer and plonk it in the gap in the services-job done. (I suggest you place the VI itself in with the rest of the subsystems, but it's not a requirement for it to work). Whats that? It doesn't work? It doesn't do anything? Aha! That's because you haven't connected to it. Oh, alright then. Here's a simple client to make a connection. Run it and see the candy. TCPIP Telemetry Client.vi
    1 point
  3. It sure is known when the function returns. So you would need to determine its length after the function returned the array of strings. There is a C runtime function strlen() which does exactly that, and a LabVIEW Manager Function StrLen() which does the same. So calling StrLen() with the CLN just like you did with MoveBlock() on the string pointer will return you the number of characters in the string and then you can do an Initialize Array with that length and then a MoveBlock() to copy the string from the string pointer into the LabVIEW byte array and then convert it with Bytes to String into a String. There is another LabVIEW Manager function LStrPrintf() which combines those two into one convinient function call. The definition is: MgErr LStrPrintf(LStrHandle handle, CStr format, .....); You would configure the first parameter of the CLN as LabVIEW String handle passed by value, the second as C String pointer, and the third as Pointer sized integer. To the first you wire an empty LabVIEW string constant, to the second a string constant containing "%s" (without quotes) and the third is your C string pointer from your array. The output of the first parameter then contains the properly sized string. The return value of the function is an int32 and if not equal to zero indicates a LabVIEW error code.
    1 point
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