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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/02/2015 in all areas

  1. The Transpose can be a free operation but it doesn't have to stay free throughout the diagram. LabVIEW maintains flags for arrays that indicate for instance the order (forward or backward) as well as if it is (transposed or not) The Transpose function then sets that according flag (as does the Revert 1D array does the according flag). Any function consuming the array either has to support that flag and process the array accordingly or first call a function that will normalize the array anyways. So while Transpose may be free in itself it doesn't mean that processing a transposed array is never going to incur the additional processing that goes along with physically transposing the array. I believe it is safe to assume that all native LabVIEW nodes will know how to handle such "subarrays" as will probably autoindexing and similar. However when such an array is passed to a Call Library Node for instance LabVIEW will ALWAYS normalize the array prior to calling the external code function. Similar things account for other array operations such as Array Subset which doesn't always physically create a new array and copies data into it but also can create a subarray that only maintains things like the offset and length into the original array. Of course many of these optimizations will be void and invalidated as soon as your diagram starts to have wire branches that many times require seperate copies of the array data in order to stay consistent.
    2 points
  2. Great what have you tried? Post a VI with your best attempt. What specific requirement are you having an issue with? Have you tried the free training links found here (at the bottom) https://decibel.ni.com/content/docs/DOC-40451 Also what does this have to do with OpenG?
    1 point
  3. Hi, I have tried to make a scenario to explain this better. The main use of reset is to reset between samples or to "Stitch" together samples when in continuous mode. In the Scenario Continuous Acquisition With Reset off the VI stores the last Array value in the 1st Sample (White) and uses it as the first Array Value in the 2nd Sample (Red). This effectively "Stitches" together the white and red waveforms in the graph. This helps with data processing as there is no erroneous data point in between samples. although not that important in the time domain it can really skew frequency type stuff. In the Scenario Single shot Acquisition I have emulated a time delay between samples. With the reset off we can see that the VI attempts to "Stitch" together the white and red waveforms and we end up with a flase trigger. Hence when using single shot sampling or using the same vi to sample different waveform we would want to always reset this VI in between calls. This is illustrated in the scenario "Trigger Single shot with reset On" Craig Trigger Reset.vi
    1 point
  4. The vipb file is the build file I use in VIPM to generate the installable vip packages, and isn't intended for users. The vip packages I build can be found under releases (https://github.com/oysstu/LabVIEW-libsvm/releases). I tested the library under win xp 32-bit in a virtual machine now with no issues. It's too bad that github features a big download zip button on the main page, when the most common way to distribute binaries is through releases.
    1 point
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