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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/14/2015 in all areas

  1. I put together a series of articles while working on an AF 101 presentation for our local CLD summit. Check them out and let me know what you think or if you have any questions/improvements. Part 1 – The Background Part 2 – The Actor Part 3 – Launching and Communicating Part 4 – Being Productive With Actors Basic Walkthrough – Creating a Logger
    1 point
  2. If you look in the latest beta version you’ll find it (though it’s not in the palettes, it is in the Connection class). PS> Some notes: — one can also use the last_row_ID() SQL function — Be careful that you aren’t executing multiple INSERT statements in parallel on the same Connection, as you might mixup the rowIDs. — note the existence of WITHOUT RowID tables, which avoids the need to determine the auto assigned rowID.
    1 point
  3. Oh, it was modular enough, it just wasn't aligned enough with our core businesses anymore (the screenshots I shared were of components, there was a top-level framework and UI experience that tied everything together). And a lot of the features had appeared in others' tools, so we left it where it was. LOL, yeah I was wondering who'd be the first to call that out. So yes, the project in this example was, indeed, 98% reuse. Only because I threw together a bunch on internal reuse library and OpenG VIs on an empty block diagram Nice work - I like this! Interesting you mention that: I've had people ask me in the past about what level of complexity and/or how many GOBs that they should be aiming for - which misses the point entirely. They're relative, and that's why I insisted in having the histograms in there - you're not looking for absolute values, you're looking for out-liers. And yes, some of these out-liers can be logically explained away. Broken VIs et al are quantitative attributes, complexity et al are qualitative. Right. Mined-from-previous-projects is one thing, formally-released-components is another. But yes, they're still both reuse. Open source, I doubt it. But... if someone were to release a framework (like ShaunR has), we could probably release a plug-in or two...
    1 point
  4. So it looks like I won't be able to continue my LabVIEW development in the near future (or at least have a major break) *sadface* Is anyone interested in continuing development of the project? It is now at the point where all dependencies to web services have been removed and replaced with web sockets. That means the page for the front panel can be viewed via file:// protocol and doesn't require a http:// any more. Web socket connection is established to a configurable port. It can handle multiple clients (how ever stupid that may be to give control over a single system to multiple users; makes sense if they're all indicators). It supports a bunch of common controls that can be represented as HTML5 and it supports representing any control as an image. I've implemented a basic config editor that can be used to select if a control should be represented as HTML or image. Current version is attached. FPPublisher.zip
    1 point
  5. In the end I sidestepped the bug by turning off "Advanced>>Auto Adjust Scales†on all my graphs.
    1 point
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