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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/18/2016 in all areas

  1. Property pages can be customized. You can create your own plugins. Take a look at: http://webspace.webring.com/people/og/gtoolbox/CustomizePropertyPages.html Template and examples are available for download.
    5 points
  2. Hello all. So NI is trying something new this year for NI Week. Year after year NI gets feedback from those that attend NI Week and one of the most common things people ask for is more technical sessions. We don't care too much for a marketing presentation telling us how your company is awesome, and we don't really need NI to tell us about some new hardware we'll never use. But coming back from NI Week with new technologies that excite me and make my job get done better, makes my boss want to send me next year. So as a way for NI Week to get more technical, NI has dedicated a room at NI Week to advanced users to give presentations on advanced topics, allowing them to make up their own Advanced Users. This track will be in addition to the other tracks NI usually has for various industries, like aerospace, and automotive. These presentations will be given by advanced developers who are LabVIEW Champions and will focus less on marketing and more on being technical, sorta similar to what you'll see at a CLD/CLA Summit. So checkout Room 15 Tuesday and Wednesday for the advanced awesomeness, you should expect lots of hearty frank group discussions. It seems not all of the topics are posted by NI yet, but here are just some of them. And yes for a bit of self promotion I am giving an updated presentation on XNodes that I gave earlier this year.
    2 points
  3. 33% of a potential market sounds great, until you realize it is one out of three, and the salient customer descriptor is "Big". Charging higher and higher prices to fewer and fewer deep-pocketed customers is not a long-term strategy for survival. It looks suspiciously like Keysight, which used to be Agilent, which was once HP... Well, you get the picture. For years HP tried to make HP-VEE into the next LabVIEW. Now it appears that NI is trying to make LabVIEW into the next HP-VEE. Unless they open up all the power of it to many more devices and hardware platforms, I feel it may become a novelty language used by the few data acquisition and test engineers that still have jobs.
    1 point
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