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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/08/2016 in all areas

  1. Please see the above link to download the videos The NIWeek 2016 Videos are uploaded to the ftp server. Please see this link for information on downloading the videos. https://lavag.org/topic/19154-ni-week-2015-videos/#comment-115444
    5 points
  2. I want to let LAVA know about a feature of LV 2016 that may not get much press. The In-Place Element structure has a new pair of border nodes to let you access the attributes of a variant without copying them out of the variant. This will VASTLY improve the performance of tools that use variant attributes as lookup tables. I strongly encourage everyone who works on this to look at the shipping example: labview\examples\Performance\Variant Attribute Lookup Table\
    1 point
  3. So in a presentation about XNodes I was asked a question about what were the valid "Reply" options for an XNode ability. Some abilities have a reply as a 1D array of string and it appears to work like a QMH where you provide a list of states to go to and it does them one after another. I didn't know the answer but I knew scripting could help. So I scanned a bunch of XNodes for what strings were on the block diagram going to the reply and here are the abilities, along with the reply strings I've seen used. AdaptToInputs UpdateTerms UpdateImageAndBounds GenerateCode ForceAdaptToInputs Copy GenerateCode UpdateTerms UpdateImageAndBounds FailTransaction DoubleClick FailTransaction UpdateTerms UpdateImageAndBounds GenerateCode GenerateCode PreserveUserCodeGUID GetError Message UpdateTerms UpdateImageAndBounds GenerateCode FailTransaction ForceAdaptToInputs OnFontChange UpdateImageAndBounds UpdateTerms OnOperateClick UpdateImageAndBounds GenerateCode OnResize UpdateTerms UpdateImageAndBounds GenerateCode OnDrop UpdateTerms UpdateImageAndBounds GenerateCode OperateClick ShowMenu RefeeChanged GenerateCode UpdateImageAndBounds UpdateTerms RespondToDrop GenerateCode UpdateTerms UpdateImageAndBounds SelectMenu UpdateImageAndBounds UpdateTerms GenerateCode FailTransaction ReplaceSelf Size UpdateImageAndBounds UpdateTerms GenerateCode UpdateState GenerateCode ForceAdaptToInputs IssueWarning UpdateStateWithRef UpdateImageAndBounds UpdateTerms GenerateCode ReplaceSelf So the unique values that I've seen put into the Reply are the following. I am unsure if only some abilities only support some replies. UpdateTerms UpdateImageAndBounds GenerateCode ForceAdaptToInputs FailTransaction PreserverUserCodeGUID GetError ShowMenu ReplaceSelf IssueWarning As for what do these do? Well some are more obvious than others, but here is some text I found in one of the XNodes that helps: FailTransaction: LabVIEW will abort the current transaction. This will avoid putting transactions in the undo list when the user just hit cancel. GenerateCode: This will cause a type propagation if appropriate, and will cause the XNode to GenerateCode when type propagation is run. UpdateImage: LabVIEW will call Image and invalidate the XNode. UpdateImageAndBounds: LabVIEW will call Bounds and Image and resize and invalidate the XNode. It will not call Size. Size is only called if the user resizes the XNode (so that you may update your state and return this reply). Make sure that if your terminals need to change size or location, you also return UpdateTerms. This reply will set the transaction type. UpdateTerms: LabVIEW will call Terms and create, delete, and move terms as necessary. ForceAdaptToInput When mutating an old, unconfigured Express VI, we need to ForceAdaptToInputs before code gets generated. AdaptToInputs used to always get called before GenerateCode. But that is no longer the case in LV2011.
    1 point
  4. Okay now that LabVIEW 2016 is out, and the Mac version of 2016 is also out, I went and downloaded these VIMs that were in the user.lib. I hope I'm not doing anything wrong in posting them here, because these are files that are just available in the evaluation install anyway. When asking around the unofficial name for this new structure that automatically enables which ever case has no broken wires is the "Type Enabled Structure". It looks and behaves very similar to the disable diagram structure but specific cases cannot be enabled by the developer, and the border is a bit thicker. As always with unofficial features, don't be surprised if it changes functionality, or support, or gets removed with new versions of LabVIEW. My presentation on XNodes, and VIMs is available here, under the 2016 Advanced User Track. 2016 User.lib Macros.zip
    1 point
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