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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/01/2016 in all areas

  1. Well the string selectors listboxes of instrument tuner.vi (Cello Strings, Guitar Strings, and so on) are not related to the ones inside String Selector.vi at all... You need a way to pass their values to String Selector.vi otherwise String Selector.vi will keep using their default value (index 0).
    1 point
  2. I found the culprit!! Back in the days a coworker of mine had the noble intention of increasing the performance of our application by adding some code that would assign a HIGH priority to its thread in Windows (you can do it manually through the task manager). It took me a while to figure that out, I’ve been stripping code from our application bit by bit, until that little subvi was the only thing remaining! The online documentation does recommend not to modify the priority and warns that unexpected behaviors might occur. So I’m not sure if NI will try to fix anything. But at least you guys should add this to your troubleshooting database so that next time you hear about this symptom you can tell the developer to check this setting. I’m attaching a project that will reproduce the issue very quickly if you set “HIGH PRIORITY”. It will run smoothly all night long if you set “NORMAL PRIORITY”. Closure feels so good, workarounds suck Stop Timed Structure Hang.zip
    1 point
  3. I was able to register... Full 2017 Conference Price $695.00... Went to NI Week site, still has the 2016 information, but if you press register and register, the receipt states 2017 Full Conference. It just looks confusing because they didn't update the web site...
    1 point
  4. Okay here's the solution I did that seems to work. You need to make the window the front and focused so that the key presses go into that window. This can be done by setting the Z order. Using this API there is a function called Move Window To Top and you just need to give it the window title name. http://www.ni.com/example/29935/en/ Then I used a this API for sending key presses like Alt and then arrow keys (with delays in between) https://decibel.ni.com/content/docs/DOC-15310
    1 point
  5. for (2): cRIOs have a pretty wide range of performance, from 400 MHz power pc to 2 GHz x86. In any case, the results here should give you an idea of the maximum achievable performance: http://www.ni.com/white-paper/5423/en/ However I'm extremely surprised by these rates. The last I remember seeing indicated that PXI-class machines could hit maybe 40-50 kHz reliably (doing a useful task) and cRIO-class machines were limited to about 2-3 kHz. What I would expect is something more like the results at the end of this doc (http://www.ni.com/white-paper/14613/en/) which indicate the 9068 is at 50% usage at 1.7khz. The document implies that it can go much faster, and it probably can push its way to maybe 2.5 khz, but its a dual core processor so at some point you're going to hit the limit on one of the cores. Scan engine is not limited to 1 kHz but I think the fastest I managed to get it on a 9068 was around 400-450 usec and even then it was flaky. Ethercat runs using scan engine and you can see the loop rates you can get here: http://www.ni.com/white-paper/52642/en/ Read write controls are like 1 usec (each) to execute, give or take some tens of nanoseconds, for a 32-bit value -- so technically yes its possible to hit your rates but I can't imagine how much they had to tweak and fiddle with (disabling interrupts, uninstalling non-essential software, optimizing code, etc.) to get the numbers in the first link. I've never heard of mere mortals going above 2k. tldr: I doubt you can hit those rates on any currently available compactrio target.
    1 point
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