My experience with this is that under Windows it is pretty easy and non-problematic but if you end up having numerous class hierarchy levels that depend on each other and build the various classes all into its own PPL you have to be careful if you do this for Linux realtime targets. For some reasons only known to I don't know who, if you for whatever reason rebuild one of the base class packed libraries you absolutely have to rebuild every depending class packed library or LabVIEW will start to complain that the depending classes can't be loaded. I have no idea what the reason is, I did assume that a packed library is an isolated container that only exports its public interface to the outside world, so as long as nothing on the signature of the public methods changes this should be a no-brainer, but that doesn't seem to be the case for NI Linux RT targets.
I didn't seem to have these problems on Windows nor VxWorks realtime targets.