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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/30/2017 in all areas

  1. I've been on here for quite a long time. I don't normally post much anymore. I used to be pretty active. Normally I find the answers I'm looking for via searching. I don't get to play with newer versions of LabVIEW very often. The company I work for has a tendency to freeze our programs in time and it's rare that we have the opportunity to move to latest and greatest versions of LabVIEW. So, I don't know much about newer features and functions. This has lead me to allow my CLD to expire a few years ago. I wasn't really "using it" and re-certifying normally lead to me having to do a lot of homework on my own time in order to pass the CLD recert. My previous employers were more supportive of me being the resident "LabVIEW Guru". I'm known as such at my current job as well, but as I said, don't get to use and explore the latest features of LabVIEW. I'm able to use LabVIEW sporatically and not as much as I would like to. It's normally feast or famine. Most of the LabVIEW I end up doing are for things that I don't enjoy, like keeping an old LabVIEW 6.1 ATE running NI Test Executive up and running and our current LabVIEW 2010 3rd party Test Executive ATE up and running. My technical background is mostly test engineering, so "Jack of all trades" type of stuff due to our small department. My favorite project is one that I'm actually just winding down on for a sister site of ours. Upgrading a version of test software that was converted up from LabVIEW 5.1 to 2014. It was done before I came on board with the project. The previous developer was a good programmer and I was able to figure things out. I can't go into a lot of detail about it, but I feel it was my most professional undertaking with LabVIEW yet... allowing me to create a professional EXE and installer, graphics, etc. Actual software-engineering stuff that I rarely get to do in pieces let alone in entirety. I've been using LabVIEW since 1999 and have always wanted to go to NI Week, and the LAVA BBQs once they started. The companies I've worked for either never had the budget to send me or something else came up that was priority. The same happened this past year. (There's always next year, right?) I just heard about LabVIEW NXG via THIS form today. I'll have to spend some time looking into it before I form my impressions, but am worried about what I'm reading as it possibly being a replacement for LabVIEW in the future, making my limited knowledge and experience old-hat. But, that may be a knee-jerk reaction at this time.
    2 points
  2. The 1.7 version just added include two significant improvements: — “Segmented Control”, which is an improved “Selection Buttons” with divider bars and better spacing to get a clean look (thanks to Christina Rodgers from NI). Previous version had one-pixel gaps. — Improved buttons (motivated by the techniques discover with the Segmented Control) that maintain a rounded-rectangle boarder in their hover and ON states (the previous version lost its rounded-rectangle shape in those states). This gives a much better look on hover. Also allows the ON state to have its colour changed (also possible with the Segmented Control). It can be a bit confusing learning how to colour these controls. One has to click on the outside boarder to colour the OFF state, and inside the boarder to colour the ON state. Coloring inside the boarder will colour the ON state even when the control is OFF, due to weirdness of the system button’s treatment of colour.
    1 point
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