Personally I think this is a good idea, and NI already is doing something similar by tagging NXG posts so they can be identified. I do think there are some issues with making a new subforum. One is if we do make an NXG subforum, then what happens when it isn't called NXG anymore? I've heard that some day NI will just call it "LabVIEW" and the LabVIEW we all know and love might be called something else, like "Classic LabVIEW". But then again that might not be for many years until NXG has functional parity with LabVIEW. There are also going to be times when a subject is about NXG and Object Oriented Programming, which subforum should it go into? Now we'd say NXG, but in a few years would it make more sense to put it in OO? Anyway I'll talk to some admins and see if we can agree on something.