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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/06/2017 in all areas

  1. This is a valid concern, but I think it is already a concern. You can get a LOT of performance boost by turning off debugging today. As a LV user, I honestly don't have an answer for you other than, "When they complain, hopefully someone will tell them." As part of LV R&D, my answer is nor much better: "I hope someday we change the default to turn off debugging during a build, including a source distribution made for deployment." But that's my personal call, and others on the team felt we should listen to the customers. A whole lot of people complained about the build times being long. "It doesn't take that long to mass compile VIs when I'm in the IDE, why does it take so long to build?" Easy: the build is doing more work. There wasn't a lot of wasted work in the app build process... the only way to make build times shorter was to do less optimization. So that's now the default. It really irks me. Not my call. So, I'm not knocking your concern, and it might be a reason not to do the feature. I'll include it in the analysis if I decide to propose this to the team. But I think the concern is already there, so to me, that makes it not something that should restrain improving this aspect of LabVIEW. But, again, others may disagree. :-)
    1 point
  2. I think you can! It looks like the compiler exception doesn't check the fully qualified name. You can put your inline-safe XNodes inside libraries to namespace them, and name them all Error Ring.xnode.
    1 point
  3. I have been slowly working to add a few new features to the lvZIP library and also make it Windows 64 bit compatible as well as support for additional RT targets. It's not quite finished yet, especially the support for UTF8 encoding of file names on non-Windows systems proofs tricky to make it work with the LabVIEW multibyte encoding, which can or can not be UTF8 on Linux systems depending on the system configuration. As soon as I get that working I plan to release a new package with support for Windows, Linux and NI RT targets. Sorry no Mac at this time, maybe I manage to get hold of a Mac at some point but that has low priority for me at the moment.
    1 point
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