When you break down your string into different sub-sections, the problem becomes much easier to solve. Don't try to handle 4 delimiters at the same time.
The format for the full packet is:
The format for <VOLTAGE_LIST> is:
The format for <VOLTAGE_PAIR[k]> is:
The format for <TIMER_LIST> is:
Notice that:
The full packet only has '!' at the start, ':' somewhere in the middle, and '\r' (<CR>) at the end
<VOLTAGE_LIST> only has 1 delimiter: ';'
<VOLTAGE_PAIR[k]> only has 1 delimiter: ','
<TIMER_LIST> only has 1 delimiter: ','
You can translate the above breakdown into very simple LabVIEW code:
The pink VI is <vi.lib>\AdvancedString\Split String.vi
To make it appear in your palette or Quick Drop, install Hidden Gems in vi.lib from VIPM or http://sine.ni.com/nips/cds/view/p/lang/en/nid/212430
Alternatively, you can use OpenG's String to 1D Array.vi
Regular Expressions (Regex) are very useful for string manipulations. Play with it at https://regexr.com/ (note: You might need to replace '\r' with '\n')