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  1. There's a private 'Operate Menu Dismissed' event that may help in this situation.
    1 point
  2. Re gpu: 2048 16-bit ints is 4096 bytes, per 4usec is 1,024,000,000 bytes/sec or 976 MB/s. Except its both directions, so actually ~2 GB/s. If youre using a haswell for example (PCIe v3) thats 3 lanes already...without giving your GPU any processing time. A x16 card would give you 3.5 usec, assuming the cuda interface itself has no overhead. As mentioned above it also depends on the rest of your budget -- whats the cycle time, how much time are you allocating for image capture itself, and what do you need to do with that fft (if greater than x write boolean out? send a message? etc)?
    1 point
  3. With Xilinx FFT IP Core the latency is usually about two times the FFT length and the max archievable clock frequency is about 300 MHz. With 1024 points FFT that gives you about ~7 uSec latency. And we're talking about 1D FFT only, so we'd also need to account for image acquisition, data preparation for FFT and post-FFT processing and decision making. And by the way, 4 uSec is 250000 frames per second. There are two possibilities: either your requirements need a bit of grooming... Or you're working on some amazing project which I would love to take part in
    1 point
  4. Or do you want a compile time of 7 hours instead of 20 minutes
    1 point
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