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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/17/2019 in all areas

  1. That's good to hear, I guess I don't need to use this meme.
    2 points
  2. So, I've gotten word that some of y'all are concerned about me because in the last year, I basically vanished from both the LAVA forums and the NI forums other than the Idea Exchange. One person at the CLA Summit in Europe last week wondered if I'd died. Honestly, I had no idea that I'd dropped my post frequency down so low. What happened was that in May the forums that I monitor exploded with content. This is generally a good thing -- says the community is vibrant. But it meant that I went from having tens of posts in each forum to hundreds of posts, and the deluge overwhelmed me, and I started ignoring the backlog. That's just turned into a natural attrition. I'm going to try to get back to reading (and posting) the forums. I doubt I get back to the high rate of read that I had before -- I've got a lot more internal-to-NI stuff that I deal with on a daily basis these days -- but I intend to get back to posting at least every couple days instead of every couple months. And, just to be clear: no, I'm not dead. :-)
    2 points
  3. Greetings Friends of LAVA, colleagues, cohorts, and Wireworkers Extraordinaire -- it's LAVA BBQ time! Date: Tuesday, May 21, 2019 Time: 7:30-10:00 pm Location: Uncle Billy's Brewery and Smokehouse, 1530 Barton Springs Rd, Austin, TX 78704 (1.5 miles from Convention Center) Cost: $25 Early Bird (through April 30th) $30 Regular Admission (through May 20th) $35 Door Price (May 21st) Meal Options: Expect to enjoy your choice of meats (brisket, turkey, ribs) with sides like street corn, cole slaw, and bbq beans. A vegetarian option is available when purchasing tickets. Cash beer bar. Who: Everyone is welcome, including spouses traveling with you. Even if it's your first time, expect to recognize many faces/names from the forums and NI R&D. What to wear: It's a covered, outdoor venue in Austin during Spring, so dress for the weather and comfort. Door Prizes: We will have a drawing to give away prizes. All attendees are eligible and will receive a door prize ticket upon entry. See below about sponsoring a door prize yourself to share the love. Hope to see you there! Chime in once you buy tickets to let everyone know you're coming. ------------>>------------>> Get LAVA BBQ 2019 Tickets Here <<------------<<------------ The venue is a 30 minute walk from the convention center, or a $6 Uber. Get together and carpool, people are typically gathering at Challenge the Champions in the Expo Hall, which is great fun. There is a free parking garage behind the building. We'd love for you to sponsor a door prize - Continue Reading: If you or your company want to sponsor a LAVA BBQ door prize, please post a reply below. You can also include a small blurb about your company and a link to your website in the post below. By donating a prize you and your company will receive a small announcement of your choosing, during the event. We will ask you to write the announcement on a post-it note and will attach it to the prize to be read before awarding it. We love the door prizes, but we love time for socializing too. Here are some guidelines to keep our event balanced and streamlined. Single item donations work best. If donating more than one item, then multiple identical items is strongly preferred. If donating non-tangible items or something that is not physically with you, then please bring a card with your contact info and instructions on how to collect the prize. This will be given to the winner. Donations are typically $25-$200 in value. Not recommended: Apparel (hats, t-shirts, underwear, etc.) - never the right size Software licenses (Toolkits, add-ons, LabVIEW) Branded trade show booth type giveaways (mouse pads, pens, keychains, etc.) Jokes or something meant as a gag and not a real prize
    1 point
  4. There's no way my much smaller team will stay ahead of NXG for too long. My job is to make LV 20xx a product that you all want to keep buying and using until the day when you go, "You know, I'd rather use the new shiny." That's started to happen in some customer segments. It'll happen more and more over time. Since buying LV gets you both platforms for the same price, it's simply a question of when does the new platform have enough functionality for your particular work. NI has abandoned the goal of trying to get everyone swapped over as fast as possible and is instead focused on getting each piece of functionality right and moving customers over as they become viable. It's a much MUCH saner strategy.
    1 point
  5. Here's a shortcut menu plugin I wrote that does something I've found myself needing every now and then. You select some objects, right-click, select "Ad-Hoc Scripting", and then it'll open a new VI with pre-populated refnums in a cluster. All selected objects will be included in the cluster, as will a refnum to the VI, its panel, and its diagram. Ad-Hoc VI Scripting.llb
    1 point
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