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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/01/2019 in all areas

  1. Start with a control in your template. Get a reference to that control and cast it to VIRefNum. Then call the 'Make Strict Reference' method using a VI reference to the desired VI. Finally, get the Terminal reference of the VIRefNum and invoke the method 'Change to Constant'. The constant winds up in a different location, if you are OCD like I am then read the position of the control terminal before and write that position to the constant after. It is pretty common to have more scripting versatility with a control or indicator than the corresponding constant.
    2 points
  2. For the most part I just use Google, and the fragments of memory I have. Someone will post something and I'll be like "That sounds familiar, did I help answer a similar question once?" and I'll search "(topic idea) hooovahh site:lavag.org". Beyond that I do have a list of commonly asked questions that I bookmark. Chrome settings are synced if you are logged in so I have a few folders with common links to various threads that I add to from time to time. Sorry I don't have some super magical RSS tool.
    1 point
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