I'm glad to see all these frameworks being bashed about. I like to read opinions from people who have tried the various frameworks and can compare based on real implementations. Not example code. Just came back from the US CLA summit (videos being posted to LabVIEW Wiki soon). Apparently there's YAF (Yet Another Framework) being used by Composed Systems and it was presented at the CLA summit: https://bitbucket.org/composedsystems/mva-framework/src/master/
It seems to be an actor-framework extension. Framework on top of framework? Jon argued that the complexity of a framework is secondary to the ability of a framework to allow certain programming concepts to be used during development. One being, separation of concerns. if you look at slide 4, Jon vehemently disagrees with that statement. In other words, you should not look at a complex framework and be afraid of it. Don't focus only on how easy it is to learn or get going with it.
Question to you. What is important in choosing a framework?
Here's a link to the slides: https://labviewwiki.org/w/images/2/24/Design_for_Change.pdf