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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/22/2019 in all areas

  1. The first discussion with Fab, Dani and Jerzy Kocerka was about where to keep the code. We quickly came to the conclusion that it would be great if GCentral did not host their own repositories on their own servers, but rather was able to tap into existing services like Github, Gitlab, Bitbucket and so on. That might also help with acceptance. Personally, I would like to keep our code in our own repos at gitlab.com. We have our readme's, our documentation platform, etc etc. But if there was an easy way to plug into the GCentral website of available code, I'd love to register our offerings (whatever that might be worth!) and see it featured there. And also the other way around: I'd like it if I could find not only properly packaged code from the three main repositories (VIPM, NIPM, GPM) on GCentral, but also other offerings in other formats. We like to keep as many dependencies as possible inside our project directories, so we work a lot with packages that are not installed via a package manager but either extracted/copied into the project directory or maybe sometimes linked as git submodules.
    1 point
  2. Thousends of releases? I kind of doubt it. Leaving away LabVIEW prior to the multiplatform version (2.2.x and earlier which only were Macintosh) there have been 2.5, 3.0, 3.1, 4.0, 5.0, 5.1, 6.0, 7.0, 7.1, 8.0, 8.2, 8.5, 8.6, 2009, 2010, 2011, 20012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019 releases so far. Of each of them there was usually 1 and rarely two maintenance releases, and of each maintenance release between 1 to 8 bug fix releases. This does probably only amount to about 100 releases in total and maybe another 50 for beta releases of these versions (a beta has usually 2 to 4 intermediate releases although that tends to be no more than 2 in the last 10 years or so). I'm not aware of any LabVIEW release that had the debug symbols exposed. PDPs were used even in Microsoft Visual C 6.0, the first version that was probably used by NI to create a released LabVIEW version (NI only switched to use Microsoft C for the standard 32-bit builds for Windows NT, the Windows 3.1 versions of LabVIEW were created using Watcom C 10.x which was the only compiler able to create full 32-bit executables that could run on 16-bit Windows 3.1 through the built-in DOS extender runtime). Microsoft makes this anyhow pretty hard to happen by accident as such DLL/EXE files would normally link to the debug version of the Microsoft C Runtime library and you can't install that legally on a computer without installing the entire Microsoft C Compiler contained in the Visual Studio software. There is definitely no downloadable installer for the debug version of the C runtime engine. The only early leak I'm aware of was that the original LabVIEW 2.5 prerelease contained a huge extcode.h file in the cintools directory that showed much more than the officially documented LabVIEW manager functions. About half of it was still pretty much unusable as you needed other functions that were not exposed in there to make use of some of the features, and a lot of those functions were removed from the exported functions around LabVIEW 4.0 and 5.0 as they were considered obsolete or undesirable to pollute the exported symbols list, but it did contain a few interesting functions that are still exported from the LabVIEW kernel but not declared in the current extcode.h file. They fixed that extcode.h bug before the official release of LabVIEW 3.0, which was the first non-beta version of LabVIEW running on other computers than Macintosh. (2.5 was basically a beta release called prerelease version to have something to show for NI Week 1992 that runs on Windows 3.1, and there was a 2.5.1 and I believe 2.5.2 bug fix release of it in 1993). Also lvrt.dll is a development that only got introduced around LabVIEW 6.0. As this was released in 2000 it most likely used at least Microsoft Visual Studio C++ 6.0; Before that the application builder was concatenating the generated runtime LLB to a stub executable that contained the entire LabVIEW runtime engine. That was a pretty neat feature as it created a single file executable, but as LabVIEW was extended and more and more functionality implemented in external files and DLLs that get linked dynamically, this was pretty much unmaintainable in the long run and the entire runtime engine was externalized.
    1 point
  3. You found the solution! Actually, the Facade vi runs transparent by default. If I unselect 'Window runs transparently' in the Custom Window Appearance dialog, it works as expected. No workarounds using tab controls/background images necessary
    1 point
  4. I do not think that XControls draw their pane, that would become quite the pain when placing them on different front panels with different colors. What I would do is place a single page tab control on the facade (hide the tabs) and put your other controls on it. Control the background color using the FGColor property of the Tab control.
    1 point
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