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  1. For a final Case. Sadly there isn't any non-depreciated Items to replace that vi. Which makes this work for Clusterzilla. ArrayToCluster.vim
    5 points
  2. So, sometimes when i'm troubleshooting or perhaps the customer doesn't know what they want, its nice to make things a bit more flexible. However I find this difficult with plots, they take a good deal of setup and are pretty hard add remove things flexibly during runtime. I'm curious of any other examples or demonstrations/recommendations for doing similar things. I Made an example here of something that i'm working on for flexible runtime plotting: Plotter.vi Front Panel on PaintGraph.lvproj_My Computer _ 2020-04-22 11-04-10.mp4 Here i have some functions to be desired. I am using the picture control so i can add and change plots quickly. But it means more feature implemenation. I am actually forcing the start of the x axis to be aligned (visually not numerically). I still need to clear items and stack plots using colors and stuff, but its all doable during runtime. I thought I'd ask because its been something i have been looking into for a while, and i haven't found a solution that i like yet. Thanks, in advance.
    1 point
  3. Go with the second option. In general, the communication channel should be owned by the receiver.
    1 point
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