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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/24/2020 in all areas

  1. For comment, here is a beta version of the next SQLite Library release (1.11). It has a significant new feature of a "Parameter(s)" input to the "Execute SQL" functions. This can be a single parameter or a cluster of multiple parameters. Uses Variant functions and will be not as performance as a more explicit preparing and binding of a Statement object, but should be easier to code. drjdpowell_lib_sqlite_labview-
    3 points
  2. This post offers a solution (amongst others), which I should have tried before posting this. tldr: Set the "Legend: Plot Minimum" property to the number of plots in the graph. The property name and its documentation seem to suggest a solution to the opposite problem: The number of entries in the plot legend will never go below this value. That's what threw me off, because I was looking for something that would make sure the number of entries in the plot legend will never go above this value. As it turns out, this property node also has the effect of removing "unused" plot names when the number is set to the amount of plots in the graph. And in 2014 it also works with scroll bars in the legend without having to turn them off and on again. Delete Plot Names From Legend.vi
    1 point
  3. Helped by a NI support Engineer I have achieved what I wanted to achive using the Lends Number of Rows coupled with the Legends plot minimum properties. If yuo are interested in see what we have done, look at the attached VI. Modifying the Lends Rows control you will see the effect. The legend will be resize properly (avoiding the exceeding plots). Try inserting as sample 10 --> 25 --> 12. Graph_Problem - Fixed.vi
    1 point
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