The potential is there and if done well (which always remains the question) might be indeed a possibility to integrate into the import library wizard. But it would be a lot of work in an area that very few people really use. The Win32API is powerful but not the complete answer to God, the universe and everything. Also there are areas in Windows you can not really access through that API anymore. In addition I wonder what the motivation at Microsoft is for this, considering their push to go more and more towards UWP, which is an expensive abbreviation for a .Net only Windows kernel API without an underlying Win32 API layer as in the normal desktop version. And at the same time and purely for users safety (of course 😄), also a limitation to only install apps from the Online Windows Store. 😀
But the Win32API is only a very small portion of external code you will typically want to interface to. It does not cover your typical device instrument driver that comes in DLL form, often with the latest update 10 years ago and with the only support in the form of obscure online posts with lots and lots of guesswork and wrong assumptions. Also it won't help with shared libraries from Open Source projects, unless some brave contributor dives into the topic and creates that meta description for it.
But creation of such a meta description for an API is a lot of very specialistic and almost impossible to automate work. Microsoft may really do it, I'm still sceptical if it will be really finished, but most others will probably throw their hands in the air in despair at the first moment they lay eyes on the documentation of this meta description format. 😎 In the best case it will be several years before there is any significant adoption of this by other parties than Microsoft, and only if Microsoft is actively going to lobby for it by other major computer software providers. In reality someone at Microsoft will likely invent some hand brakes in the form of patents, or special signing authorities, that makes adoption of this by other parties extra difficult.
And it won't help a single yota for Linux and Mac platforms, which are also interesting to target with the Call Library Node.