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That's almost like asking if you can install a GM engine into a Toyota. 😀 Answer is yes you can if you are able to rework the chassis, and make just about a few thousand other modifications. But don't expect support from either of the two if you ran into a snag. More seriously, you may also run into license issues.1 point
You need to understand what Managed code means. In .Net that is a very clear and well defined term and has huge implications. LabVEW is a fully managed environment too and all the same basic rules apply. C on the other hand is completely unmanaged. Who owns a pointer and who is allowed to do anything with it, even reading from it, and when, is completely up to contracts that each API designer defines himself. And if you as caller don't adhere to that contract to the letter, no matter how brain damaged or undocumented it is, you are in VERY DEEEEEEEP trouble. LabVIEW (and .Net and (D)COM and others like it) all have a very well defined management contract. Well defined doesn't necessarily mean that it is simple to understand, or that there are lengthy documentations that detail everything about it in detail. Not even .Net has an exhaustive documentation. Much of it is based on some basic rules and a set of APIs to use to guarantee that the management of memory objects is fully consistent and protected throughout the lifetime of each of those objects. Mixing and matching those ideas between each environment is a guaranteed recipe for disaster. Not understanding them as you pass around data is that too! For other platforms such a Linux and MacOSX there also exist certain management rules and they are typically specific to the used API or group of API. For instance it makes a huge difference if you use old (and mostly depreciated) Carbon APIs or modern Cocoa APIs. They share some common concepts and some of its data types are even transferable between those two without invoking costly environmental conversions, but at that point stops the common base. Linux is according to its heritage a collection of very differing ideas and concepts. Each API tends to follow its own specific rules. Much of it is very logical, once you understand the principles of safe and managed memory. Until then it all looks like incomprehensible magic and you are much better off to stay away from trying to optimize memory copies and such things to squeeze out a little more performance. One of the strengths of LabVIEW is that it is very difficult to make code that crashes your program. That is until you venture into accessing external code. Once you do that your program is VERY likely to crash randomly or not so randomly, unless you fully understand all the implications and intricacies of working that way. The pointer from a LabVIEW array or string, passed to the Call Library Node, only is guaranteed to exist for the time your function runs. Once your function returns control back to LabVIEW it reserves the right to reallocate, resize, delete, or reuse that memory buffer for anything it deems necessary. This part is VERY important to allow LabVIEW to optimize memory copies of large buffers. If you want to have a buffer that you can control yourself you have to allocate it yourself explicitly and pass its reference around to wherever it is needed. But do not expect LabVIEW to deallocate it for you. As far as LabVIEW is concerned it does not know that that variable is a memory buffer, nor when it is not anymore needed or which heap management routines it should use to properly deallocate it. And don't expect it to be able to directly dereference the data in that buffer to display it in a graph for instance. As far as LabVIEW is concerned, that buffer is simply a scalar integer that is nothing more than a magic number that could mean how many kilometers the moon is away or how many seconds exist in the universes life, or how many atoms fit in a cup of tea or anything else you fancy. Or you pass the native LabVIEW buffer handle into the Call Library Node and use the LabVIEW memory manager functions if you have to resize or deallocate them. That way you can use LabVIEW buffers and adhere to the LabVIEW management contract. But it means that that part of your external code can only run when called from LabVIEW. Other environments do not know about these memory management functions and consequently can not provide compatible memory buffers to pass into your functions. And definitely don't ever store such handles somewhere in your external code to access them asynchronously from elsewhere once your function has returned control to LabVIEW. That handle is only guaranteed to exist for the duration of your function call as mentioned above. LabVIEW remains in control of it and will do with it whatever it pleases once you return control from your function call to the LabVIEW diagram. It could reuse it for something entirely different and your asynchronous access will destroy its contents or it could simply deallocate it and your asynchonous access will reach into nirvana and send your LabVIEW process into "An Access Violation has occurred in your program. Save any data you may need and restart the program! Do it now, don't wait and don't linger, your computer may start to blow up otherwise!" 😀 And yes, one more advice. Once you start to deal with external code anywhere and in anyway, don't come here or on the NI forum and ask why your program crashes or starts to behave very strange and if there was a known LabVIEW bug causing this. Chances are about 99.25678% that the reason for that behaviour is your external code or the interface you created for it with Call Library Nodes. If your external code tries to be fancy and deals with memory buffers, that chance increases with several magnitudes! So be warned! In that case you are doing something fundamentally wrong. Python is notoriously slow, due to its interpreted nature and the concept of everything is an object. There are no native arrays as this is represented as a list of objects. To get around that numpy uses wrapper objects around external managed memory buffers that allow consecutive representations of arrays in one single memory object and fast indexing into them. That allows numpy routines to be relatively fast when operating on arrays. Without that, any array like manipulation tends to be dog slow. LabVIEW is fully compiled and uses many optimizations that let it beat Python performance with hands tied on its back. If your code runs so much slower in LabVIEW, you have obviously done something wrong and not just tied its hands on its back but gagged and hogtied it too. Things that can cause this are for instance Build Array nodes inside large loops if we talk about LabVIEW diagram code and bad external code management if you pass large arrays between LabVIEW and your external code. But the experiments you show in your post may be interesting exercises but definitely go astray in trying to solve such issues.1 point
Be afraid; be very afraid Generally, there is no concept of a pointer in LabVIEW. LabVIEW is a managed environment so it is more like .NET. You don't know here it is stored or even how much memory is used to store it. The CLFN will do that out-of-the-box .Yes. Because you don't know where it is for the lifetime of the variable.1 point
You have some serious undefined behaviour in your c code. In create_copy_adress_Uint you dereference an uninitialized pointer, writing in a random location. In get_adress_Uint you return the address of a stack variable that is invalid as soon as the function returns. You are going to experience lots of crashing. Have you looked at the configuratrion options for the call library node? You can just pass parameters by pointer. Passing an array by "array data pointer" will let you manipulate the data as in C (but do not try to free that memory). You do not need to make a copy. Be mindful of the lifetime. That pointer is only valid during the function call and might be invalidated later. So don't keep it around after your function returns. If you also want to resize LabVIEW data structures, there are memory manager functions to do that. Pass the array by handle and use DSSetHandleSIze or NumericArrayResize. Examples for interfacing with DLLs are here: examples\Connectivity\Libraries and Executables\External Code (DLL) Execution.vi1 point
You are playing with fire. Ownership is key. DO NOT manipulate pointers in LabVIEW-period! You either manipulate data by passing it to a DLL (like an array where LabVIEW owns the data) or you provide functions to manipulate data (where the DLL owns the data - where is your freeing of the pointer allocated inside the DLL?). LabVIEW has no ability to know what a DLL is doing with memory and vice versa. You must also take into account the pointer size. (32 bit LabVIEW or 64 bit LabVIEW). For some types, this is handled for you (arrays, for example) others you will want to use the Unsigned/Signed Pointer sized Variable (for opaque pointers) and pass that BY VALUE to other functions. Look at the Function Prototype in the dialogue. You will see the C equivalent of the call. Note that you do not seem to be able to do things things like int32_t myfunc(&val). Instead you have to use "Pointer to Value" and it will look like int32_t myfunc(int32_t *val). If you are trying to manipulate pointers, you are doing it wrong and it will crash at some point taking the whole IDE with it.1 point