You can forget about that comment about endianess. MoveBlock is not endianess aware and operates directly on native memory. Only if you incorporate the LabVIEW Typecast do you have to consider the LabVIEW Big Endian preference. For the Flatten and Unflatten you can nowadays choose what Endianess LabVIEW should use and the same applies for the Binary File IO. TCP used to have an unrealeased FlexTCP interface that worked like the Binary File IO but they never released that, most likely figuring that using the Flatten and Unflatten together with TCP Read and Write does actually the same.
PS: A little nitpick here: The size parameter for MoveBlock is defined to be size_t. This is a 32-bit unsigned integer on 32-bit LabVIEW and a 64-bit unsigned integer on 64-bit LabVIEW.