Well this is one hell of an API to tackle.
amqp_bytes_t seems to be actually a struct similar to a LabVIEW handle contents, with a size_t element indicating how many bytes the following pointer points at. That in itself is already nasty if you want to support both 32-bit and 64-bit LabVIEW, since size_t is a pointer sized unsigned integer and the pointer after is of course pointer sized too!
Then you have the amqp_field_value_t which in principle is a library specific Variant. Basically you want to have an element that consist of a binary string based key value and a variant, except that the Variant manager API in LabVIEW while present is basically undocumented. Well it's not totally undocumented since the NI developers let slip through a header file in the GPU Toolkit download that actually declares quite some of the actual functions. Of course there is the problem that function declarations are hardly any real documentation. It only gives the function signature but doesn't explain anything about how the functions would need to be used. So there is in fact a lot of trial and error here and the realistically present danger, that the Variant datatype and its related functions are subject to change at the simple whim of any LabVIEW developer since the fact that it is not officially documented makes the API "subject to change" at any time, for any reason including simply the desire to change it. The only reason not to do so is that existing NI libraries such as the OPC UA Toolkit, which makes internally use of that API, would also need to be reviewed and changed in order to not crash with a new LabVIEW version. Since NI has a bit of a habit to release LabVIEW version synchronized Toolkits (albeit sometimes with a year long delay or an entire version even missing) this is however not an impossible limitation as it not only would limit the documented version compatibility but also be a technical limitation to help prevent version incompatible Toolkit installations.
Even if you would use LabVIEW variants as value of the key value pair, you would need to do some binary translation since a LabVIEW variant is not the same as your amqp_field_value_t variant.
Personally I would likely use a cluster with a LabVIEW string as key element and a flattened string of the binary data with extra integer for datatype indication. Then in the C code do a translation of these elements to the amqp_bytes_t and amqp_field_value_t data elements. If you allow for a simple 1 to 1 mapping of the field_value element, things could be fairly straightforward.
Something like this:
LStrHandle key;
LStrHandle value; // really the flattened binary data
int32 datatype; // native LabVIEW datatype, could get rather nasty if you want to support complex
// datatypes and not just scalars and a string as you would need to allow for a
// hierarchical datatype description such as the i16 typedef array of LabVIEW itself
} KeyValueRec;
If you use a native LabVIEW Variant it would instead look like:
LStrHandle key;
LvVariantPtr value; // Native LabVIEW variant
} KeyValueRec;
But as mentioned the API to actually access LvVariant from C code is completely undocumented.