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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/28/2010 in all areas

  1. Who better to share this with then my fellow LAVA members? I just got my CLA results back today and I PASSED!!!!!!!! Everything seems new. New Certification New LAVA New LabVIEW in a month And I can’t wait till the NEW RCF (Right Click Framework) Comes out.
    1 point
  2. Okay I've used the toolkit and I've had limited success but I might be able to help. I've usually seen that modules talk both CAN and CCP on the same CAN bus. So one option is that maybe the device is already broadcasting the Exchange ID over CAN. You could do a CAN read, then close that CAN, then init the CCP engine using the same CAN hardware. Another thing is that this seems odd to me. Inside the A2L file it should specify the CRO Id and the DTO Id, as well as the Baud Rate and Station ID and any SeedKey DLLs. These are all parameters that the module and the A2L agreed on. I always thought that the firmware that was on the module was also the same software as what generated the A2L, and that the parameters in the A2L should never need to be changed. Do you have more than one module? Do they have different IDs?
    1 point
  3. Since you asked, here's what I'm currently using for my messaging framework. I uploaded the source to the LapDog respository and will do any additional modifications there. MessageLibrary.zip
    1 point
  4. Grrr... I spent a couple hours responding last night only to have IE eat my post when I previewed it. You don't specify how you are using the abstraction layer, so I'll throw this out there in case you are doing something different. Assuming your abstraction is an InstrumentController class, by far the easiest way to do what you want is to make an InstrumentSimulator class that is a child of the InstrumentController class. If your InstrumentController class includes a "Use Simulator" setting, back up and create a new class. Splitting up the functionality makes the code easier to understand and easier to test. InstrumentController is more reusable across different projects--if apps have different simulator requirements you're can create a project-specific InstrumentSimulator instead of modifying InstrumentController source code and potentially introducing bugs in other apps. Your main app needs almost no modifications to use the simulator. I use a conditional disable structure to switch between my real instrument drivers and my mock instrument drivers. No other changes needed. Is there some reason simulator.vi should be write only instead of read-write? The first question you need to answer is if you want your simulator data to be a global data ("static" data in other languages) available to all simulator instances or by-ref data unique for each simulator object. It's easier to get something that runs using global class data. It's not easier (imo) to get something that runs robustly using global class data. By-ref class data offers more flexibility in how you use the class. For example, using by-ref class data you can simulate n instruments (each with their own simulator vi) by simply dropping n class constants on the block diagram. You can't do that with global class data. You can also make a by-ref class behave like a global class by wrapping the by-ref object in another class as a global variable. If you start with a global class you can't make it behave like a by-ref class. It will always be a global class. My default is to use a by-ref class, especially if there's a chance you might reuse the class in other projects. If you decide you want a global class: Global variables - Easy for class users to use--no need to drag class wires around. Easy for class users to misuse if they are not aware of its global nature. Easy to implement getters and setters. Requires potentially complex semaphores if you have any read-modify-write operations. Allows concurrent access to different data elements. Named Single Element Queue - Built in protection against race conditions. No concurrent access unless you implement a separate queue for each data element. Very slight possiblity of stepping on an identically named queue. Functional Global - You can make a functional global behave more like a global variable or more like a named single element queue, depending on how you implement it. Personally I don't see a need for them in OOP. If you decide you want a by-ref class: Data Value Reference - Build in protection against race conditions. No concurrent access unless you implement a separate DVR for each data element. Unnamed Single Element Queue - Pretty much the same as the DVR, except you have to manually implement a bit more of the functionality. Since the introduction of DVRs in 2009, I find the DVR a more natural device for storing shared data than the SEQ. If you have a separate InstrumentSimulator class, what you're looking for is a class in which the methods run in the client's execution branch, *except* for Simulator.vi, which runs in a private, parallel execution branch. SciWare created an Active Object framework for by-ref classes that shows how to launch a class member vi in a parallel branch. (See LaunchProcess.vi.) You'd do that as part of InstrumentSimulator's initialization routine. Assuming Simulator.vi is just setters and getters, you can simplify his design a lot by removing the command queue and message queue. You'd also replace his Process.vi with your Simulator.vi. Making InstrumentSimulator a global class avoids all the complexities required with making sure both branches have the same DVR or unnamed queue refnum. The data sharing is built into the global variable so you just have to launch Simulator.vi when the app starts.
    1 point
  5. Ben, tickling in the back of the brain can be a symptoms of brain-infesting aliens. I would suggest a visit to the doctor. Either that, or this is what tickled you: http://forums.ni.com/t5/LabVIEW/Wait-icon-showing-in-boolean-array-to-number/m-p/1112021?jump=true
    1 point
  6. QUOTE (Gavin Burnell @ May 22 2008, 07:39 PM) Thanks for the link. Variant attributes are one of those things that I know were there but I have never really used. I recoded the FGV subVI and I like the simplicity. I did a quick benchmark (Pentium M 1.6GHz, 1GB RAM) on a simple three element cluster (similar to error cluster) just to see. Compared to the data arrays, it seems no big perfomance hit sub-1000 - but after that then it really start to matter. Some great reading here and here too. Seems the NFGV or using arrays may be old school and the variant attributes are the way to go to manage a DB! Thanks Gavin. NFGV_LV851.zip Code is in LV 8.5
    1 point
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