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  1. Additional alternatives for my entry. Some people say that they look better... I do not share this opinion, but vox populi - vox Dei.
    2 points
  2. At some point of the day I thought about asking user to give an intermediate base class that inherits SM's base class, but that's impossible and nobody will bother. We reach the limit of LabVIEW OO model (why don't we have template or duck-typing ?). OK. I'm just not used to this paradigm (copy and paste) for giving librairies. Template updated? Download update and re-customize it.... True Attached. You mean something like interfaces ? Seriously, I think it's better to ship code with standard queue (thus no shiny error cluster message), if users have their framework they can use it instead. Also, IMHO the model you use in slave queue is a bit complex, maybe you can give people just an input queue to trigger state changes and they'll message what they want on output. In my case for example I already have Model VIs (in terms of MVC) that message the stuff out to View. I'm no guru enough to make a nice stuff, and by short of time I think I'm gonna use the SimpleSM.vi you posted, which perfectly fit my need for a simple and clean SM. I'm frustrated by the nice stuff you can get on C#, but LabVIEW just can't enable us to build such a quick and clean thing. Maybe a simple thing would be to provide the SM with a dictionary of state->trigger->next-state? Would be glad to help but sincerely out of time LDSM.zip
    1 point
  3. That being said, LabVIEW graphs have excellent decimation where they can take 20,000 points and draw them on a graph that is better than simple decimation, tending to favor the outliers. I would only try to improve on this if you are having a real performance problem, and I would first slow your update rate down before trying any fancy footwork with the dataset.
    1 point
  4. Z Axis scale range. See this thread on the Dark-Side were I posted a worse case tutoial. http://forums.ni.com/t5/LabVIEW/Multiple-polar-plots-into-a-3d-plot/m-p/270676#M144155 Ben
    1 point
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