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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/13/2011 in all areas

  1. Just got LabVIEW 2011, and it is because of small differences in value of the floating point numbers. Increase the display format to 19 significant figures and you'll see you are actually asking in 1 mm is equal to 1.000000000000000890 mm. The correct answer is "no". In general, one should never use the "equals" operation with floating point numbers, because an insignificant (to us) difference is still a difference to the computer. Instead, one should subtract the two numbers, take the absolute value of the difference, and see if that is less than some small "tolerance" number.
    2 points
  2. This image from from my Design Albumn on the Dark-Side is a SSD detailing the interaction of the various components in an application that required spawning an unkown (at development time) number of data collectors display their data and consolidate all reading in a single file. If that is helpful you may want to review some of the other albumns in my image gallery here (you can skip the family of course). many of those images have links to the original thread where they were posted. Have fun, Ben w
    1 point
  3. I think this response isn't as thorough as the idea probably deserves, but in short it's an interesting perspective but seems like a pretty radical change to the LV paradigm. The FP and BD are pretty comfortably categorized functionally and I don't often find myself disagreeing with the delegation of functionality. The fact that it would be such a tremendous change to business as usual doesn't bode well for it being implemented.
    1 point
  4. Top level VI - no controls or indicators at all. Function loops - the thing on the bottom left of the above VI with a big green arrow. The GUI. One of the VIs in the above VI.
    1 point
  5. I wanted to ping you guys in case you could think of anyone that might spring to mind: we’re looking to hire another systems engineer/technical lead (someone with a little PM background would be great too) with a strong technical background. Do you know of anyone who might be interested? Of most importance is getting people who know test, and know how to own the technical solution of projects, who are driven, positive people who are good to work with. Also, a medical background is, while not required, a big advantage. PS: They don’t need to be LabVIEW superstars – just people who really know test – we can train them to the level of LabVIEW and TestStand that we need. If you know someone, please PM me.
    1 point
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