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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/20/2012 in all areas

  1. Maybe I'm not understanding it right (it certainly wouldn't be the first time), but the new right-click like-items feature seems kind-of bogus to me. Here's what I'd expect: say I put 2 string constants on a block diagram. If I right click on one of them I get a bunch of options in the right-click menu (like 20 of them, with submenus). Now if I select both of them and right click, all I get is 2 options. Now I'm not assuming I should get *all* of the options, but only 2? Yes, I know that the Properties option gives me access to a lot of the stuff that I'm after, and that's what I'm forced to do right now, but that's just not intuative - it changes my work flow in a negative (and much slower) way. Why can't those options be determined at right click time?
    1 point
  2. I speckle my code with tons of TODO comments when I develop. When I find time, I'll often do a search for "TODO" and see if I can hammer any of them out, but in LabVIEW all I get is the name of the VI of any comments the search finds containing my search text with no context as to what any of the items are (unlike say the exceptionally useful task list in Visual Studio). Has anyone written a tool that allows me to scrape stuff like this from my project VIs? I'm aware of the various idea exchange entries, I'm just wondering if there's anything out there that will do the job now.
    1 point
  3. Check out https://decibel.ni.c...docs/DOC-15560. It's quite a nice little utility built on scripting. It will pull anything with a colon in the first 10 characters in the diagrams.
    1 point
  4. As I suspected, the difference between debug and debug+pwd is purely statistical. I will post some of the data if I get a chance, mostly I have learned that my slow laptop makes my slow home PC look good. <OT> On several occasions I have mentioned my desire for debug/release configurations like Visual Studio. This could control more than debugging, but also FP bounds so I easily can have off screen controls in the finished VI. At any rate, the current VI property dialog dance is a pain. </OT>
    1 point
  5. I don't know a complete answer, but for one thing, if you save a breakpoint into a VI that's password-protected, when that breakpoint is hit, you're prompted for the password (if it's not in the password cache), and if entered, you can debug the VI. This ability can be pretty useful, and I'd be surprised if it didn't introduce a non-zero performance hit.
    1 point
  6. Hi Brenton, There is another format just called TDM. It has a different internal layout to TDMS so if this is a question because you have seen this that could be it (you also have to keep the index with a TDM file). If you just want a custom extension there is no issue, just no other application other than yours will know it is a TDMS file so you will limit what will open it directly (there are ways around this with LabVIEW and DIAdem, not sure about excel). As for v2 I am not sure on the internals but there is an FAQ at http://www.ni.com/white-paper/9995/en. In short 1.0 is deprecated (but still an option if required), I would use 2.0 for new designs.
    1 point
  7. That would be awesome to have in addition to what's there (great idea). But it won't satisfy the question asked by crelf because I don't want to do work or programming to add features that should already be there. So user defined augmentation is great, but I should have a fleshed-out base to begin with. It's only software...
    1 point
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