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  1. Correct. Bundling it into a cluster removes the ability to prove that the class type remains the same, which is the contract you establish when you declare a dynamic dispatch output terminal. If you have a dynamic dispatch input terminal and no dynamic dispatch output terminal, then you don't have to maintain the invariant.
    1 point
  2. One complicating factor is as far as I can tell you can't get LabVIEW to scan whitespace as a valid string using the %s notation. Hence using %5s to scan " 0.00" will work (note the leading space), but the pure whitespace string " " will not as the scan primitive seems to treat whitespace as insignificant. So you'll likely need to get more specific and use character classes, for example %5[a-zA-Z0-9. ] (also note the space character in the class). Someone please correct me if I'm wrong about this, but I've never figured another way while sticking to the scan primitive (I'm aware a regex can do the trick, but that's not the topic at hand). The other thing to wrap your head around is LabVIEW does not accept the %* syntax, so you'll need to replace your delimiters with valid constants. Your example strings all have spaces as delimiters, perhaps you can just use a "s"? Other than that, shoneil covered everything else I believe.
    1 point
  3. Well in principle when you kill an application the OS will take care about deallocating all the memory and handles that application has opened. However in practice it is possible that the OS is not able to track down every single resource that got allocated by the process. As far as memory is concerned I would not fret to much, since that is fairly easy for the OS to determine. Where it could get hairy is when your application used device drivers to open resources and one of them does not get closed properly. Since the actual allocation was in fact done by the device driver, the OS is not always able to determine on whose behalves that was done and such resources can easily remain open and lock up certain parts of the system until you restart the computer. It's theoretically also possible that such locked resources could do dangerous things to the integrity of the OS, to the point that it gets unstable even after a restart although that's not very likely. Since you say that you have carefully made sure that all allocated resources like files, IO resources and handles and what else have been properly closed, it is most likely not going to destroy your computer in any way that could not be solved by fully restart it after a complete shutdown. What would concern me however with such a solution is that you might end up making a tiny change to your application and unless you carefully test it to release all resources properly by disabling the kill option and making sure the application closes properly, no matter how long that may take, this small change could suddenly prevent a resource from being properly released. Since your application gets killed you may not notice this until your system gets unstable because of corrupted system files.
    1 point
  4. There are several issues at hand here. First, killing an application instead or exiting it is very similar to using the abort button in a LabVIEW VI. It is a bit like stopping your car by running it in a concrete wall. Works very quickly and perfectly if your only concern is to stop as fast as possible but the causalities "might" be significant. LabVIEW does a lot of housekeeping when loading VIs and as a well behaved citizen of the OS it is running on attempts to release all the memory it has allocated during the course of running. Since a VI consists typically of quite a few memory blocks for the different parts of it, this amounts quickly to a lot of pointers. Running through all those tables and freeing every single memory block does cost time. In addition if you run in the IDE there is a considerable amount of framework providers that hook the application exit event and do their own release of VI resources before they even let LabVIEW itself go to start working on the actual memory block allocations. As more toolkits and extensions you have installed as longer the IDE will take to unload. Now on most modern OS systems the OS will actually do cleanup on exit of an application so strictly speaking it is not really necessary to cleanup before exit. But this cleanup is limited to resources that the OS has allocated through normal means on request of the application. It includes things like memory allocations and OS handles such as files, network sockets, and synchronization objects such as events and queues. It works fairly well and seems almost instantaneous but only because much of the work is done in the background. Windows won't maintain a list of every memory block allocated by an application but manages memory in pages that get allocated to the process. So releasing that memory is not like having to walk a list of 1000ds of pointers and deallocating them one for one, but it simply changes a few bytes in its page allocation manager and the memory page is suddenly freed per 4K or even bigger junks. Collecting all the handles that the OS has created on behalves of the application is a more involved process and takes time but can be done in a background process so the application seems to be terminated but its resources aren't yet fully claimed right away. That is for instance why a network socket usually isn't immediately available for reopening when it was closed implicitly. The problem is that relying on the OS to clean up everything is a very insecure way of going about the matter. There are differences between OS versions which resources get properly claimed after process termination and even bigger differences between different OS platforms. Most modern desktop OSes do a pretty good job in that, the RT systems do very little in that respect. On the other hand it is not common to start and stop RT control tasks frequently (except during development) so that might be not a to bad situation either. Simply going to deallocate everything properly before exiting is the most secure way of operation. If they would decide to "optimize" the application shutdown by only deallocating the resources that are known to cause problems, I'm sure there would be a handful of developers getting tied up by this to write test cases for the different OSes, and add unit tests to the daily test build runs to verify that the assumptions about what to deallocate and what not are still valid on all supported OSes and versions. It might be also a very strong reason to scrap support for any OS version immediately that is older than 2 years in order to keep the possible permutations for the unit tests manageable. And that trimming the working set has negative impact on the process termination time, is quite logical in most cases. It really only helps if there is a lot of memory blocks (not necessarily MBs) that has been allocated previously and freed later on. The trimming will release any memory pages that are not used by the application anymore to the OS and page out all the others but the most frequently accessed ones to the page file. Since the memory blocks allocated for all the VIs are still valid, trimming can not free the pages they are located in and will therefore page them out. Only when the VIs are released (unloaded) are those blocks freed but in order for the OS to free them it has to access them which triggers the paging handler to map those blocks back into memory. So trimming the memory set has potentially returned some huge memory blocks to the OS that had been used for the analysis part in the application but were then freed by LabVIEW, and will simply be reclaimed by LabVIEW when needed again. But it also paged out all the memory blocks where the VI structures are stored for the large VI hierarchy and when LabVIEW then goes and unloads the VI hierarchy it triggers the virtual memory manager many times while freeing all the memory associated with the VI hierarchy. And the virtual memory manager is a VERY slow beast in comparison to most other things on the computer, since it needs to interrupt the entire OS for the duration of its operation in order to not corrupt the memory management tables of the OS.
    1 point
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