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Everything posted by jgcode

  1. Hi Fab! I searched the IE and found the above so I didn't add my own. FWIW, I don't think I want the features of Timed Structure just a simple configured Timer(s) that would expire and get added to the end of the (event) queue - as that is the behaviour I would get if I coded it myself. If you think this warrants a new IE please let me know or go ahead and create it and I will vote for it
  2. LVIE: Allow Drag and Drop of Images into Icon Editor from Disk. http://bit.ly/e5iqbp #LabVIEW @lavag #ni

  3. Does anyone know if it possible to create native 45 degree text in LabVIEW? Cheers -JG
  4. Not unless you hang out in the Twilight Zone.
  5. Create an Array Control on Indexed Output Tunnel when I Select 'Create Control' Allow Drag and Drop of Images into Icon Editor from Disk
  6. Duplicate Variable in Distributed System Manage (DSM)
  7. Just noticed this spelling mistake and wanted to report it. Cheers -JG
  8. FAIL! - At 1:46 he loses a ball over the edge. Other than that, that was really impressive.
  9. Hope #DanaWhite lets #Arona on the #UFC Rio card. Can't wait to see this guy in action again - it's been way too long! http://sbn.to/fN2H9U

  10. v1.2.2 adds support for the LabVIEW Tools menu (as well as still supporting Quick Drop).
  11. You should feel worthy that your consideration pleases me.
  12. ShaunR's LAVA CR Trim Whitespace VI (Fast Trim) is nominated to be integrated into the OpenG Strings package as it is 3x faster the standard Trim Whitespace. The author has confirmed this is ok. You can track this new feature here: ID: 3292424
  13. lol... that deserves a beer.
  14. lol... no, it's (MFVI) NI terminology but I like it.
  15. Multi-Functional VI (MFVI) aka Action Engine (AE) aka Functional Global Variable (FGV) that does more stuff etc...
  16. Hi durnek60 I use a combination of both along with handling it directly on the BD depending on my requirements. The only issue I can point out with Classes is that you cannot have a XControl reference as private data - well technically you can, but your build will break . In those cases I therefore use a Class and a MFVI for the X-Control or just use a MFVI for everything. Of course for small dialogs etc... where I feel I do not benefit greatly from encapsulation etc... then I do stuff straight on the BD cause its easier. Cheers -JG
  17. Hi Ryan I find I post snippets to the online community when I want to post some really simple code and a screenshot. But I find myself in most cases uploading VIs either because its quicker (I have made the VI, and have to annotate a screenshot with arrows anyway etc...); or better (contains multiple VIs, nodes (e.g. references) don't get changed) than snippets.
  18. I come to this conclusion too whereby I prefer to create a class that manipulates the UI (via a refnum) then create an xctrl when it gives me the same effect (i.e. encapsulation). But I still wish xctrls get an overhaul one of these days. I think Daklu and I mean familiar equals experience as opposed to knowing of. And from a pure exam perspective if one was needed, I would not be wanting to be finding out the caveats etc... of such an implementation So checking them out would definitely be a good idea.
  19. Yes, if it suits the requirements. I would say in general, you should be familiar with them if you are architecting projects. Although I have had my fair share of drama with them
  20. I filed the original CAR and thus Mike contacted me. It should be fixed in 2011.
  21. No, I was actually saying that I did not know what the benefits are (having not used this feature, nor LabVIEW 2010 a lot).
  22. As for OpenG - that feature would require LabVIEW 2010. The next upgrade of the libraries are for 2009. So this question may pop up in the future (although given the feedback here on LAVA it seems that this feature needs some work). As for packages in general - end users install a package which contains dist code. They do not check in and out the code etc. I am not sure how this would affect the end user? Would it help with builds? Etc. I would like to see a discussion of the benefits here.
  23. Lol I think ShaunR is safe here given that he responded based on the thread title as opposed to recommending it as a prefferred solution.
  24. Yer, MP does not support all of the same special characters as regex, so I too jump between them for speed or functionality to meet requirements. ShaunR - how do you know so much about the LabVIEW internals on these functions (which is great btw)?
  25. Time for another campaign?
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