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Everything posted by jgcode

  1. Yes, that is correct however, for a normal VIs this is great. For a larger dist with libraries and class I found it was much slower. The reason being that all code in the directory was handled i.e. open/checked/compiled. But due to the above VI relationships this was slow. What I did to optimise it was to only point to a VI Tree so one VI gets handled. I don't have any benchmarks recorded but it was actually something I wanted to discuss with you.
  2. Version 2.1


    Icon Editor API Repack Extended. The original Icon Editor API has been recompiled to User.lib. This code makes calls to v.i's/.ctl's in the Icon Editor plugin directory which is not of a symbolic path. This may lead to linking issues and therefore the API was extended to accommondate this. The Icon Editor API has been extended to provide additional functions such as Class Library Refnum wrappers, Global Stores and helper VIs. See http://decibel.ni.co...t/docs/DOC-8647 for the source code of the Icon Editor API. Code snapshot taken as of 15/05/10. Note: This original Icon Editor API code be updated by NI in the future. The password for the Extended Icon Editor API Library is "jgcode".
  3. Ok, I cleaned up the spam (should I call it spam? ...some content was very interesting... ) Anyways, I formally vote for OpenG as a sub-forum of LAVA. Respectfully, -JG
  4. Will do. Thanks for the feedback.
  5. That's different: Watching #UFC prelims live on #Facebook. http://www.facebook.com/UFC

  6. Sorry, I wasn't being smart, I was saying the solution is to skip them (in your script). I doubt VIPM can do it, and I hope NI can't do too - as that means there is a security issue with using PP in my VIs (if I choose to) IMHO. I am pretty sure Locked VIs also get skipped during a mass compile in LabVIEW.
  7. I uploaded a new version to LAVA - the main feature is native support for LabVIEW 2010. The code now checks for LabVIEW version and mass compiles if IDE is newer. I tried to optimize it as just compiling the directory takes a long time due to a few Libraries and Classes etc... The workflow is pretty much copied from what I have seen using some JKI tools - so props to them. Notes: Version 0.16 was entered in the LECC 2010 but was not added to the LAVACR. Version 0.17 just updates some support files for LAVA and is added to the LAVACR. Cheers -JG Version History (Changelist): 0.17-1 2011 01 23 - Changed (): Rebuild for LAVA distribution. Support files changed only (no code changes). 0.16-1 2010 10 05 (LabVIEW Example Code Contest 2010) - Added (): Support for LabVIEW 2010. Include Mass Compile option on first load - Changed (): Now requires Icon Editor API v2.1-1 as dependency - Fixed (): Popup on New Class Control resolves correct 'Current Icon'
  8. I really dig the new changelog with the LAVACR update. Quick question: Is there any way to migrate an existing log? E.g. fill in the blanks here: . If so I can get rid of the current chagelog out of the readme (preferred).
  9. Thanks for the feedback Jim The LVOOP Assistant includes the Icon Editor API in the ZIP distribution. I include a package-only version (for download) for subsequent upgrades of the LVOOP Assistant (as the Icon Editor does/did not change much). However, as per your suggestion, I have now added a link to the LVOOP Assistant download page that points to this page. I will also contact Admin and see if this thread can move in the uncertified LAVA repo. Also, attached is the latest Icon Editor API. Cheers -JG PS - Sub-packages would have been great in this scenario jgcode_rpk_ni_icon_editor_api-2.1-1.ogp [/size][/color]
  10. Will work for food --> Installing the FIL's new printer.

  11. Hi Robotilak If you find the NI example easy then you should be confident IMO it was pretty similar i.e. difficulty. Also there are some similar threads here and here. Cheers -JG
  12. I am thinking that if you don't have the password you can only just skip over them.
  13. Hi WhiteSnake84 Out of interest can you post more info about your project and where you are from? Anyways, I have used the 3DM-GX2 wifi sensor successfully. I wrote a partial driver for my application which used Euler Angles in Continuos Mode. The company provides a SDK in LabVIEW 7.1 (methinks) but there is a more recent programming manual on their website.
  14. Enjoying the slippery-dip.

  15. Anyone who grew up or is from Australia is alright in my book (crelf included).
  16. Maybe you guys would get a kick out of this (seeing that LabVIEW can be used to program LEGO) For the more risqué see here for the Darker Side of LEGO
  17. Kudos'd. Cheers for the link.
  18. Hi Greg Did you post this to IE? I would vote for it.
  19. No, but you can have a free VIPM Community Edition
  20. Shaun, if you were interested, this VI would be a great addition to OpenG. I will contact you offline to follow up.
  21. FWIW, Javascript has a Math Object that is an organisation object. It is a collection of math related functions and constants - but it has no state. The Class is used purely to group the related functions (methods). Granted, that JS is considered not to be a real OO language, and they don't have something similar to Project Libraries (.lvlibs), I still thought the comparison to another language may be interesting? Anyways, changing the namespacing would be the only thing I would worry about - i.e. if its easy to update all linking VIs (from .lvclass to .lvlib) or not.
  22. @ Sunday night poker

  23. Take me out to the ball park - or whatever. At the baseball. #PerthHeat

  24. is on 'The Reem' bandwagon. #EatHorse

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