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Everything posted by jgcode

  1. Happy Holidays - thanks to the LabVIEW community for a great year!
  2. Congratulations
  3. FWIW - we also use NI's one over here.
  4. Do you know how long a an uninstall (of every module and toolkit) takes! You are better off blitzing the whole thing IMHO. Although I never figured out the exact cause of the problem (which annoys me). But I only ever saw it once. My executables did work fine on other machines tho, have you tried that? It was like my run time was all messed up!
  5. Great point. Also my boss loves to talk for hours on that one. Comparing the procedural vs dataflow paradigm should be interesting for a C programmer.
  6. Woah! Flashback: I had other crazy stuff happening too: Bad news is that I had to ended up re-imaging the PC, fixing and uninstalling/installing LabVIEW did not help. Cheers -JG
  7. Here is a cool video example.
  8. Hi Sassos I mean that: in your source code, instead of using the Polymorphic VI [i.e. Read Traces.vi], use the Polymorphic Member VI [i.e. Read Traces (numeric).vi] instead.
  9. Hey Sassos - is that a DSC vi (I haven't used DSC in 7.1)? I lodged CAR # 243120 for a missing polymorphic in Open Traces.vi. You can read about it here - its the second issue I raised in the thread - about mid-way down. Anyways the workaround was to link the actual VI in the code and remove any calls to the polymorphic VI. Hope that helps? Cheers -JG
  10. Its not like the issues are show-stoppers for a client's application - and yes, I have had more issues with other things in LabVIEW. Anyways, I am just thinking its a little harsh to hate on it as I think it is better than the previous one, flaws and all.
  11. Hey Guys LabVIEW R&D has responded in cross-post, jump across to the darkside if you want to chime in. Cheers -JG
  12. Good post We have tried these out on a recent project too.
  13. We use un/flatten to XML a bit - but its more to convert a e.g. class/cluster from disk and e.g. load it into the application. However, yes, I am guessing that the Xpath functions would not be available on Real Time.
  14. jgcode


    Leet speek baby! Wow! Your layering is deep. These days I can't get past <root>\dist otherwise I get a path length error from my reuse VIs
  15. IMO the Enhanced IE 2009 is not crap - sure it could use a little work, like anything else. I love the new layering feature for icons - i.e. the ability to edit the text layers is much faster than manually doing it with the older version.
  16. I like your persistence! I just prodded the support engineer again just then.
  17. No probs.
  18. Hi Benard Yes you can certainly do that. The Native LabVIEW Config API works as well as LabVIEW XML, there are also some 3rd party API's too I find file io speeds can vary on the embedded targets between options so you may want to do some benchmarking? Cheers -JG
  19. Judging by other thread, NI might have been down? - URL works for me now tho.
  20. Wow! 4 a moment I had visions of u in a lycra suit RT @MikeAivaliotis: Got the urge to play some Tron this morning http://twitpic.com/3h5ia9

  21. Are you talking about something similar to my suggestion above? Are you able to go into more detail?
  22. Ctrl-M - on a clone, opens the standard VI. Is there a way to do it by clicking on a subVI so it opens as standard?
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