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Rio C.

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  1. QUOTE (Michael Malak @ May 26 2009, 02:07 PM) That sounds very familiar to one of the Known Issues. [Don't] Try this (it will crash LabVIEW): 1. Create an XY Graph and wire it to a cluster of X and Y arrays. 2. Create a reference and wire to a property node. 3. Wire an array of clusters to the XY Graph. The only way I know of to fix it is to delete the reference and recreate it, just as you did. Also, when using arrays of XY Graph(s), if you don't want to lose the configuration of your graph every time the array changes, use arrays of NaN instead of changing the size of the array. ShaunR, can you be more specific about the "Many To One" queue example, maybe a link?
  2. The mouse over text is hilarious: Apple uses automated schnapps IVs. Link to the source: here.
  3. This Nugget on the NI Forums describes using external applications, such as Office, for editing the vector graphics. Rio --Sorry, just noticed that Yair linked to it also in the first reply.
  4. Look at post #15 on this thread. JDave shows a couple of ways to put a large cluster in a small space without making it invisible. A drawback may be that the contents aren't readily visible, but that's easier to deal with than non-visible controls. Rio
  5. QUOTE (Aristos Queue @ Feb 25 2009, 09:15 AM) While you're at it if you're going to change the error terminals it may also a good recommendation to change the error cluster... into a class.
  6. QUOTE (Aristos Queue @ Feb 25 2009, 09:15 AM) While you're at it if you're going to change the error terminals it may also a good recommendation to change the error cluster... into a class.
  7. I thought it was funny too. We'll try it again only this time try not to catch on fire. LOL! The Simpsons always get a laugh out of me when things start on fire for no reason. In one episode they get a new car and drive it over a frozen lake, where it falls in. After it falls in it bursts into flames. The implausibility kills me!
  8. You can control the origin(s) of the pane(s) of the VI.
  9. Ah, you need a screwlock for a VHDCI connector. VHDCI = Very High Density Cable Interface. More information on cables from NI. Apparently they now sell the VHDCI connectors! http://zone.ni.com/devzone/cda/tut/p/id/3530 I found this one at Digikey, part number 787004-3 by Tyco. http://search.digikey.com/scripts/DkSearch...?name=A97699-ND Molex also has one, part number, 71433-002. http://search.digikey.com/scripts/DkSearch...?name=WM7323-ND It's a small screw, but it costs more than a dollar! Rio Christensen
  10. QUOTE (screw @ Jul 29 2008, 10:13 AM) Hi screw, I'm gonna guess that you are using the drivers that you can download from Keithley's website for the Model 6221? This driver represents some top level measurements that you can do with this equipment. To get the best performance you should issue SCPI commands using the VISA read and write VIs. Take some time to familiarize yourself with the manual and develop the remote commands you need. I think for your measurements you can talk solely to the Model 6221. The Model 2182A should be connected to the 6221 with the trigger link cable and the RS-232 cable as shown on page 5-8 of the REFERENCE manual for the Model 6221 (you don't even need a GPIB cable to the 2182A). Also on page 5-51 it talks about differential conductance measurements, which might be similar to the kind of measurement you need. With this mode you can make measurements with intervals as small as 1 ms. Page 5-62 even has an example of the remote commands required for the measurements. Rio Christensen
  11. QUOTE (fjharris @ Jan 23 2008, 05:36 PM) I have run into this issue when trying to set the cursor position in a waveform graph of an FFT. I was always getting a result that was just under the value I was trying to move the cursor to programmatically. I found that if I made the graph very large ~2000 pixels on the horizontal I would get the correct result. Another thing is the graph has 131072 points. I didn't want to keep my graph that large so I resorted to using index, which worked. However, that means I have to throw in some extra calculations because the indices are not the same as the x-axis values. Rio Christensen
  12. QUOTE (PaulG. @ Jun 4 2008, 01:24 PM) This vi is part of the Sound and Vibration Toolkit add-on. It's V -> EU Voltage to Engineering Units.
  13. Another great song and an awesome video! How does Weezer keep doing it? Most bands crap out and stop creating anything worthwhile.
  14. QUOTE (pdc @ May 23 2008, 07:56 AM) I didn't try to make them live together, but I found that I could re-enable the NI-VISA without reinstalling it. In the \windows\system32 directory there should be a file named visa32.dll. What the Agilent installation does is rename it to something like visa32.dll.old or something. Simply rename the file and you should be up and running . I don't remember if I had to restart the system.
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