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Everything posted by asbo

  1. Correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't this have the same result?
  2. I go back and forth as to whether a Windows API or dotNet implementation would be more finicky .. dotNet certainly has the advantage of already being written for you
  3. On this page: the screenshot doesn't load. If you load the image directly: http://lavag.org/index.php?app=downloads&module=display&section=screenshot&id=119 you see a spew of PHP errors. Maybe the result of a failed upload?
  4. Is that the post you intended? The attachment only refers to some clipboard and BMP-related libraries ...
  5. Agreed. The existence of the 'Automatically Close VISA Sessions' setting in the IDE has always irked me.
  6. I don't agree with you in the slightest but it depends on how you've come to habitually use your computer. I'm much better with the keyboard than the mouse .. if there was a way to drop and wire with the keyboard, I would
  7. If you have the right kind of camera, it's very straightforward. If IMAQ doesn't support your camera, then that page also explains some alternative options for you to look into. There's no harm in asking questions, but search first next time. That link was the second google result for "labview webcam".
  8. Oh, boy, a WHOLE rep point? It'd be tough to make cross platform.
  9. Has there ever been talk of a proper process I/O library for LabVIEW? 'Cause that'd totally be awesome.
  10. Unfortunately, I don't have anything useful to add - just that every time I've need to have a timeout on a SysExec, I've also used the taskkill solution. It's not pretty (and I don't remember if you even get any stdout back) but it works.
  11. Forcing the library to run in the UI thread isn't good for multiple callers because all your callers are waiting to use the same resource, but may be necessary for the work the library is doing. You could try a different thread setting (use any thread would use any LV thread that's available) but don't hold me responsible if something catches fire
  12. Gah, these two as well, can't pick just one! Also, auto tool and undo.
  13. It really wouldn't be so bad if I could open the probe in a new window AND close the parent window ... and if we're going to get timestamp tracking in the parent window, why not find a way to show that in the floating window too??
  14. Ugh, I can't imagine the performance penalty ...
  15. The event event structure and the LV events that go with it
  16. You could play around and see for yourself - under the Tools menu, select Profile and then Show Buffer Allocations. LV will tell you where it's making allocations and you can try to adjust accordingly. edit: whoops, I need to hit submit sooner
  17. Check out the TDMS format Text files are more human-readable, but can grow to astronomical sizes quite easily.
  18. Me. I get to work with Crelf.
  19. Agreed - every now and then I'll have something I need to swipe something from and I'm on a machine that doesn't have VIPM installed. It's very convenient to just rename the file and extract.
  20. Quite commonly I'll modify in-memory a VI I don't have an SCC lock on. It's actually convenient because for changes I don't intend to retain, I never lock the file - when I close out the IDE (or File > Save All) I can tell it to save everything. It saves everything it can, and then the prompt comes back up for files it couldn't save. I then hit Don't Save and that's that Yeah, I did think about that after I posted and the way you describe - in an atomic sequence - is really the way I meant. I think scripting might be the only way to mass-lock or mass-unlock, though.
  21. This is pretty basic, but any chance you've tried setting the files read-only on disk? A less convenient option might be locking diagrams without a password?
  22. Maaaan, I hate it when they leave it as an exercise for the reader.
  23. "Lock front panel until this case completes", perhaps?
  24. I was so hoping this linked somewhere secret and cool.
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