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    LabVIEW 2009
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  1. You can create and ROI like you want. Draw two triangles using Polygon, one inside the other (holding down the Ctrl key allows you to add another ROI to the image control). Read the ROI property to get the data for the ROI. There should be two contours listed in the order they were drawn. If the inner triangle was drawn second, then read out that contour and set the Contour Type (Contour ID) to 1 (Internal) and the write it back. There is a bug present in LabVIEW that doesn't keep the Contour Type (Contour ID) value when you read it from the ROI property, but it does write it properly. Triangle Outline.vi
  2. Take a look at using the Hilbert Transform to turn each of your signals into an analytic signal (original signal is real part, Hilbert transform signal is the imaginary part). Then you can get the phase of the complex number.
  3. Here it is. Sorry it took so long to respond. Thermal Imaging Color Table.vi
  4. Attached is a vi (LV 2009) that contains a Intensity Graph and the code needed to generate a close approximation to the desired color scheme. Just feed your data into the Intensity Graph and it hopefully will look like you want it. Colors components in the plot are ordered RGB. Thermal Imaging Color Table.vi
  5. I've installed LabVIEW 2009 32-bit and 64-bit on both Vista 64-bit and Win 7 64-bit and have had no problems. My 32-bit version has FPGA, RT, Mathscript, and Vision installed as well. The 64-bit has Vision installed.
  6. Take a look at Lantronix. Haven't used them in years but they worked great when I needed it. Lantronix
  7. Take a look at using a Hilbert Transform on your pulses. Create an analytic signal (original signal + j (Hilbert transform of original signal)) and the magnitude of this signal will be the envelope.
  8. What is the bit resolution of the acquired data? Do you have enough resolution to resolve two signals 3 orders of magnitude different (at least 16 bit data is needed)? If so, can you post some of the data?
  9. Name: Hover Button Xcontrol Submitter: rpursley Submitted: 02 Jul 2009 Category: X-Controls LabVIEW Version: 8.2 Version: 1.1.0 License Type: Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Make this available on the VI Package Network?: Undecided Copyright © 2007, Randall Pursley All rights reserved. Author: Randall Pursley --see readme file for contact information Description: The is an Xcontrol that gives a Boolean button, Hover button functionality. As the mouse 'hovers' over the button, the appearance of the button changes to indicate that is the case. The change in appearance can be user defined initially and programmatically. Dependancies: Labview 8.2.x or higher hopefully any OS (tested with XP) Change Log: 1.0.0: Initial release of the code. 1.1.0: Added ability to change Font properties of boolean text Click here to download this file
  10. 1,474 downloads

    Copyright © 2007, Randall Pursley All rights reserved. Author: Randall Pursley --see readme file for contact information Description: The is an Xcontrol that gives a Boolean button, Hover button functionality. As the mouse 'hovers' over the button, the appearance of the button changes to indicate that is the case. The change in appearance can be user defined initially and programmatically. Dependancies: Labview 8.2.x or higher hopefully any OS (tested with XP) Change Log: 1.0.0: Initial release of the code. 1.1.0: Added ability to change Font properties of boolean text
  11. I had some delay problems when there were a couple toolkits on a machine with an expired license for that toolkit (primarily VI Analyzer). Once I uninstalled them, the problem disappeared. QUOTE (Jim Kring @ Mar 16 2009, 12:58 PM)
  12. It appears that the output of the USB snap function is always a RGB U32 image, regardless of what the input image is. That is why you are getting the error. The IMAQ Count Objects 2 vi will not accept and RGB image. After the USB Snap, add an IMAQ Cast Image vi to convert it back to a U8 image and then pass it to the IMAQ Count Objects 2 vi. QUOTE (X_DOT @ Mar 16 2009, 10:52 AM)
  13. I've only successfully done it by integrating calls to Photoshop from LabVIEW. I do not know of any LabVIEW toolkits for this. QUOTE (professor_rumsdiegeige @ Feb 26 2009, 04:36 AM)
  14. First thing I would do is add some external circuitry to turn the RF pulses into a pulse. The easiest way to do this is use a diode to rectify the signal and then filter it to remove the higher frequency stuff. You would only need a simple AM demodulation circuit. A resistor around 1 kohm and a capacitor of 1 uF should be enough. If this doesn't give you the kind of response you need, then a more complicated approach might work. 1. Maybe amplify the signal 2. Use a comparator to turn it into a digital signal 3. Use a one-shot in retriggerable mode to get the envelope of the signal Hope this helps some. QUOTE (Danyc @ Feb 7 2009, 12:11 PM)
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