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Everything posted by Yair

  1. QUOTE(Aristos Queue @ Dec 1 2007, 01:04 AM) DON'T BELIEVE HIM!!!!!!!!!!! HE JUST WANTS TO BLOCK IT! I know those evil NI types. :ninja: cosmin, you wrote "inputs". Does this also apply to outputs?
  2. QUOTE(Tomi Maila @ Feb 22 2008, 09:47 AM) Likewise here.
  3. Congratulations indeed. Ton is a good example of what makes this a great place.
  4. Michael, I know there was probably a thread about this already (I even seem to vaguely remember it), but I couldn't find it. Do images embedded in posts always have to be resized? At home, I usually have an 800x600 display, which is probably the minimum anyone would have, and even images which are not very wide and would fit nicely in that screen get resized, so that I have to open them in a new window. Is it possible to set a minimum width for images being resized (e.g. the image will only be resized if it is wider than 500 pixels)?
  5. QUOTE(vugie @ Feb 29 2008, 01:50 PM) In the GUI, we have acknowledgements in the about screen and it can go in there. I don't want to start filling the main screen with logos and links. In the flash movie, I don't think a link or an additional icon would be a problem. As for the license, I don't have a problem with distributing the original with the CCT, but I want to avoid making it GPL. If we have a basic agreement, I think we can look more deeply into this to understand how it works. Maybe someone familiar with licenses can shed some light. Jim, maybe? QUOTE What concerns embedding, beside swf also its dimesions should be known, because browser pointed directly to sfw file stretches it to window size. BBCode contains tag to embed flash ... checking whether it works here... I tested it in the NI forums, but the forums there do not allow attaching swf files. We can ask the moderator to change that. Pointing it to an external file works fine and you only need the embed tag there. If our tool is doing the capturing, it can also prepare the tag text and set the sizes to be right.
  6. OK, I had a chance to play with a bit and it looks really nice. It works fast enough for small VIs, which I suspect is most of what will be thrown at it if it's used for sharing code online. Would you be interested in adding it as another option inside the CCT? That would provide the tool with the options of either capturing an image or a flash demo. The only thing that needs to be checked out is how to embed it. I've seen that the only thing you need is the swf file, but we need an easy way of copying and pasting both the file path and the embed tag code.
  7. QUOTE(van18 @ Feb 29 2008, 12:14 AM) Yes, but only if it is not reentrant. I'm not sure how express VIs handle the actual implementation VIs at run-time, but the VI behind that express VI is reentrant, so my guess is that this doesn't come into play in this case.
  8. QUOTE(Val Brown @ Feb 29 2008, 12:03 AM) We can only hope. QUOTE(alfa @ Feb 29 2008, 09:01 AM) but here is the future. No, I'm sure I left somewhere around here, so it can't be there.
  9. By the way, you can use the input device VIs to monitor for keystrokes in a platform indepedent way. They even recognize the grave key in my keyboard. You might also want to use a popup dialog which is ended with an Enter keystroke, since it's a bit more user-friendly.
  10. QUOTE(vugie @ Feb 28 2008, 12:18 PM) You're off the hook in this case. I did create http://forums.ni.com/ni/board/message?board.id=170&view=by_date_ascending&message.id=270836#M270836' target="_blank">a very simplistic demo of using tags to control the size and position of FP elements, but not for the BD. Also, that was just a proof of concept example - it didn't even move the controls. By the way, there is a VI for traversing the diagram in <vi.lib>\Utility\traverseref.llb, but I don't know if it will help you.
  11. QUOTE(Michael_Aivaliotis @ Feb 28 2008, 12:16 AM) http://lavag.org/old_files/monthly_02_2008/post-1431-1204223815.png' target="_blank">
  12. Like the title says - if you're not logged in, you can't download from the CR. If this is on purpose, I need to know so that I can provide access to the CCT for people who don't want to register.
  13. QUOTE(TobyD @ Feb 27 2008, 08:16 PM) Or you can use the http://forums.ni.com/ni/board/message?board.id=170&message.id=260737' target="_blank">resize dialog.
  14. QUOTE(vugie @ Feb 26 2008, 11:02 AM) Nothing, why do you ask? :ninja: QUOTE Using attached VI You can test how this function in user32.dll works with your keybord. O.K., it just ignores that specific key. It seems to be happy with others. I guess I'll have to blame it on my OS language settings. By the way, for doing "macros", you can also use http://forums.ni.com/ni/board/message?board.id=170&message.id=237642' target="_blank">merge VIs.
  15. QUOTE(Janne @ Feb 26 2008, 09:51 AM) I'm still not sure what your problem is. I worked with the PDA module and a PDA usually has 320x240 display and they're usually under 4". To work with it, I just created a decoration of that size and made sure the controls fit in that decoration. If you are using the touch panel module, it probably has a feature similar to what the PDA module had since version 7.1 where you can develop your code using large controls and then set the scaling when you deploy an application. If you are using scaling with standard controls, I assume that would create the effect you're experiencing. I don't know where you set the scaling in 8.x, though. Presumably, it's in the build settings.
  16. If you only want to scale this once, cut the lines from the control and paste them into your FP, then group them (using the reorder button) and you can then resize them all together, separately from the color box. Once they're in place, you can lock them.
  17. You can customize a gauge and replace parts of it with images, but you can't replace all parts and the easiest thing to do is to place an image under it and color it transparent. The main problem with what you want to do is that if you replace the needle with something other than a LabVIEW built-in vector graphic, the imported image will not rotate around its center, so essentially, to really achieve what you want, you will need to use a picture control or a combination of a picture control and a gauge. You can see one example of a similar indicator here, but it's nowhere near the level of what you're attempting to do. Then again, I didn't actually try there.
  18. QUOTE(dbyers3 @ Feb 25 2008, 05:44 PM) If you feel strongly about it, you can try NI's product suggestion center, but I wouldn't hold my breath if I were you.
  19. I see that you are determined to make different versions of all the tools I'm creating :laugh: . Here's my version, although I haven't been working on it very intensively. If you want, I could use some help with that one. It works well, but I need to work on the part of easily creating and transferring the names between computers and versions. I would suggest you read at least the end of the thread to get an idea of its current status. As mentioned in that thread, the original idea came from a prototype demonstrated by an NI employee, so NI are also working on their own version of this. By the way, I didn't manage to use it. The DLL call simply returns 0 all the time. It might be because I'm using a bilingual keyboard, but I doubt it, since I could type the char. Explicitly pointing it to user32.dll didn't help either.
  20. In addition to subpanels, XControls are also a very nice method of encapsulating complex UI functionality into a single control, but they are considerably more complex.
  21. QUOTE(brent99 @ Feb 23 2008, 12:06 AM) Don't tell anyone I told you this, but the reason that RTE is so big is that it has thousands of tiny programmers in it which convert the code to C. QUOTE(crelf @ Feb 23 2008, 02:39 AM) it's okay for the LabVIEW RTE to be huge because download speeds have increased? I can see where he's coming from, but that's a pretty weak link IMHO... That's not exactly what he said. In addition to the actual reasons, he just said the situation of LV users today is better than what Java users had 10 years ago.
  22. QUOTE(dbyers3 @ Feb 22 2008, 04:27 PM) At first I thought this might not be a bad idea, but then I gave it a bit of thought and here are a couple of potential issues: Local variables are basically secondary access points to controls. They are not variables. Proposing to explicitly use them as such is a problem. Presumably, such an interface would have to have all the safeties and niceties LV currently has (e.g. selecting from a list, like Intellisense, making sure you are talking about a specific control even if there are other controls with the same name, etc.). That means that NI will have to put some work into it to get a proper UI and IDE experience. How far do we want to take LV down this road, which essentially brings it closer to IDEs like Visual Studio and Eclipse instead of making its own strong points stronger. By the way, I'm not against text on the diagram. The .NET and ActiveX hierarchies are probably a place where a text node would be useful (although I understand 8.x helped with that somewhat), but for most places, LabVIEW has a specific style it was designed for and text is not a part of that style (nor are local variables).
  23. I'm not sure what the problem is exactly. The smaller displays are usually limited to lower resolutions (e.g. 800x600, although since it's a wide screen, it's probably other numbers). Once you know that resolution, you can just build your UI to fit in that area. It won't fill the entire display area of the 19" screen, but it should be readable if you're not using some extremely high resolution. I use 1440x900 on a 15.4" laptop and it looks fine to me.
  24. As said, the most likely source of your problem is a race condition caused by working on the same resource (the list of strings) in two places without locking it, but without seeing the code it's impossible to tell for sure. The solution is either to lock it or to handle it in a single loop. The more generic solution would be to disconnect the display from the underlying data and logic. For example, you can have one loop and a cluster of your data which is passed through a shift register. One of the elements in that cluster would be the array of names or the data needed to build that array. Your logic would actually operate on that data (by unbundling and bundling by name) and you then call a display state which will translate the data into your display. You can see some examples if you search for "state machines" or look at some of the templates you get when you select File>>New. There are links to some tutorials here.
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