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Everything posted by Yair

  1. Those numbers are very impressive, but I'm not sure they tell the entire story. Based purely on impression, I would say that the NI LabVIEW board gets around 300 posts a day on weekdays and I'm sure the other boards increase that number. I don't think that LAVA gets to 1/7th of that, but it's probably not that far. It actually seems to me as if the NI forums are getting farther away (not that there is any problem with that - even if LAVA had 1% of the activity the NI site has it would be very impressive and I think that LAVA, by the very nature implied by its name, should have less users and less activity). With all that said - congratulations, Michael, and thanks again.
  2. QUOTE(Aristos Queue @ Feb 1 2008, 04:53 PM) Seems perfectly obvious when you just to think about it for a second (which I didn't). P.S. Is it proper syntax to put the smiley after the period?
  3. Queue elements are passed by references (at least for the Dequeue primitive, which creates a 1-to-1 relationship), making them very efficient. I remember Stephen saying that notifiers use the same basic code underneath, so I would guess that the first WFN node uses by-ref and that any other creates a copy.
  4. QUOTE(jzoller @ Jan 30 2008, 02:12 AM) Or if you're programming in Whitespace.
  5. /* It could only happen in a forum for text programmers... Oh, wait, I can sense that something is wrong about that statement. */ :-)))))))));
  6. Yair

    New Member

    Welcome to LAVA. Before you start searching too much, you might wish to search for the System Exec VI.
  7. I don't use IMAQ, so I don't know if this applies, but for some reason you can't do Customize and then another one on a subcontrol. Try selecting File>>New>>Custom Control, dropping an IMAQ image in the control editing window and then customizing. Can't guarantee it will work, but it should be worth a try.
  8. From the image posted to the NI thread, it looks like the reason for the speed is that there is an array of clusters and the code for analyzing the cluster is called repeatedly in a loop. The MGI VIs will probably not help the original poster, since they are 8.x only.
  9. A zombie thread indeed, but it is a valid point. QUOTE(Big Hank @ Jan 24 2008, 09:57 PM) The key phrase here is "when fired". The garbage collector is only called when the top level VI in the hierarchy is done executing. Until that point you can have memory leaks if you don't close the references, and since some people (me, for instance) have programs which run for months and years without being closed, closing references is a good practice. Additionally, some .NET classes require calling dispose methods. My understanding is that if the disposed method is implemented using the IDisposable interface, then it will be called automatically when the reference is closed, but if it is not, then it must be called explicitly. You can find some more specific details http://detritus.blogs.com/lycangeek/2006/05/how_to_say_good.html'>here.
  10. I like it as well. It's much easier. :thumbup: Also, I noticed that the CR download button is at least somewhat more prominent.
  11. I see you still have 8.0 listed, which is the last supported version. That at least means that you can run it. As for getting it, I would suggest trying ebay, or if you're on good enough terms with your local NI office, you might be able to get it from them, or at least get in touch with someone who has it and doesn't want it any more.
  12. You have a convert, Stephen. I enabled FP grid snapping (with the default 12) and after a getting-used-to-it period, I like it. It doesn't play nicely with existing panels, but a quick Ctrl-# resolves that (nice "mnemonic", BTW). The only problem was getting used to it and remembering to click it again after moving freely.
  13. QUOTE(Justin Goeres @ Jan 16 2008, 07:34 PM) I must agree, although it seems to have gotten somewhat better in recent versions. QUOTE I think there should be a key command for Open Detailed Help for Whatever is in the Context Help Right Now. Well, not exactly equivalent, but I always found the right click -> Help combo to be convenient.
  14. QUOTE(Tomi Maila @ Jan 16 2008, 02:30 PM) I assume that this means that you do not have access to the original settings used to open the application reference? There is a Server.Port property, but it says it doesn't work in remote apps, so I think unless you have the original data, which you can then send through TCP or UDP, you're basically stuck. An alternative might be for B to publish its details through UDP, but A would still need to confirm that it connected to that specific instance.
  15. QUOTE(alfa @ Jan 11 2008, 09:55 AM) Ah, just when I was starting to think alfa's paranoia was starting to dwindle, I get this reassuring sentence.
  16. Yair

    New member

    QUOTE(tcplomp @ Jan 9 2008, 10:20 PM) Well, some people just deal in . Actually, I think both are valid, even though they have slightly different meanings.
  17. I don't think Google Reader is appropriate for this. It works great for keeping tracks of blogs and other things which have single pieces of information, but it doesn't thread and so you just get a mass of unrelated posts, which are impossible to separate. Personally, I just open the links from the new posts page in new tabs (or windows, depending on which browser I'm using). That way, the new posts page always stays open. In FF and IE7 this is usually done by clicking the middle mouse button (or the scroll wheel) on the link, although FF has an annoying bug (at least for me) where it sometimes opens two or three times tabs of the same page when you middle-click.
  18. QUOTE(alfa @ Jan 9 2008, 10:22 AM) I don't know, I think that being eaten by a T-Rex can do you quite a bit of damage.
  19. Yair

    New member

    Welcome to LAVA. Do you deal in any interesting stuff?
  20. But there were a couple of tools posted which allow you to access private properties in 8.x. Try searching Aitor Solar's posts.
  21. If you don't mind platform dependence, you can call the reparenting functions in Windows to actually move the window into your front panel, but you should note that this comes with its own set of problems. Searching for MDI here and in the NI forums should show some examples.
  22. QUOTE(psi @ Jan 4 2008, 01:09 AM) Actually, it would work if you include the VIT in the build (which is probably what Randy did, because he says the VI does open). To really cover all cases, you should use Strip Path in a loop with a shift register and stop the loop by checking the Is Directory? output of the File/Directory Info primitive (and account for invalid and empty paths).
  23. Yair

    Tomi turns 1k!

    A worthy congratulation. (whew, managed to delay being overtaken by one more post).
  24. This probably means that the port is already being used by another application. You can try using a different port.
  25. There are several implementations for working with databases in LabVIEW. NI sells a toolkit, you can search for "LabSQL" or search this site for SQL or ADO to find a couple of other toolkits. They usually all require that you form an SQL query and you get a 2D array of strings as a result. If you don't know SQL, you should search Google for some SQL and database related tutorials.
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