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Everything posted by Yair

  1. We still use 7.0 exclusively, but we plan on moving to the newest version soon and will then only use 7.0 to support existing projects.
  2. Personally, I would expect to see the same behavior in the NI example, because if it changes the value of your control twice a second, it should steal control unless the change is so minimal from the current value of the control that you don't notice it. Without looking at the actual code I can't tell for sure, but this seems to be a bug in the example. It wouldn't be the first time.
  3. Welcome to LAVA. We do have a few Aussies here, and I'm sure crelf will jump in here soon enough to give you all the details. :laugh:
  4. QUOTE (egraham @ Mar 14 2008, 07:37 AM) I don't have access to a computer with the PID toolkit at the moment, but from your picture, what causes this seems to be simple - you write a value to a local variable of your control. That essentially changes the control's value at the same time you change it, thereby causing the effect you're seeing. The solution to this would be to wrap the local in a case structure and only write it when in automatic mode.
  5. Yes, when I change my resolution from 800x600 to 1024x768 it changes the compression level, but it actually went the wrong way - it compressed it more. Interestingly, it seems to compress it by the ratio of the image and the screen width (1-(383/800)=~0.52, 1-(383/1024)=~0.66). I guess that when it goes over a certain limit, it stops doing this.
  6. OK, now I see the same thing. If I leave the site without marking all posts as read, then when I come back to the site after a while, all the posts are displayed again in the View New Posts page and are marked as having new posts even if I read them before. That's not good, although I personally don't mind since I mark all posts as read.
  7. This still doesn't seem to work correctly: Edit: this came from here and I'm using IE 7.
  8. QUOTE (crelf @ Mar 12 2008, 08:23 PM) Why do people always quote that wrong? This is what it should say: http://lavag.org/old_files/monthly_03_2008/post-1431-1205437842.png' target="_blank">
  9. I haven't noticed any issue with it recently. As far as I know, it provides all the new posts since the last time you closed your connection. That said, I have developed the habit of marking all the boards as read before I leave the site, so it's possible that it finally moved to the reasonable behavior of displaying all the unread posts in this page, not just the ones that were posted since the last time you left the site. Michael, is that the case? If it is, I would be quite happy.
  10. QUOTE (Aristos Queue @ Mar 12 2008, 05:30 PM) Have you tried using the compound arithmetic primitive recently? That's the one place where the auto-tool really has a problem. Getting it to change the behavior of the node is tricky. QUOTE I'm even to the point of rarely using the control key. I never use it. What do you need it for?
  11. QUOTE (neB @ Mar 12 2008, 02:36 PM) I don't actually have the capacity to do that. Most of my knowledge probably comes from reading what others have done and remembering it mostly correctly.
  12. QUOTE (neB @ Mar 11 2008, 05:28 PM) Yep. In fact, I'm often lazy enough to go the select -> Edit Menu -> Copy -> Edit Menu -> Paste path instead of the much faster Ctrl+C -> Ctrl+V. Also, I may have been known to program while lying on my side. Theoretically, at that position, one of your hands is usually neutralized, either because it's inconvient to use or because it's holding the laptop. QUOTE (Dirk J. @ Mar 11 2008, 07:00 PM) I saw somebody driving a car once with one of those automatic transmissions. I think you need to explain to some of the Americans here that an automatic is not the only option available on cars. :laugh:
  13. So should we now change the name of the code capture tool to "The VIagrammer"?
  14. QUOTE(Norm Kirchner @ Mar 10 2008, 06:58 PM) You've done it now. Consider yourself smitten. http://lavag.org/old_files/monthly_03_2008/post-1431-1205179778.gif' target="_blank">
  15. QUOTE(neB @ Mar 6 2008, 11:02 PM) I was never one for D&D, but you would probably appreciate http://xkcd.com/393/' target="_blank">this:
  16. QUOTE(robijn @ Mar 7 2008, 10:53 AM) Actually, the term was "http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-xml/#sec-origin-goals' target="_blank">human-legible and reasonably clear". XML itself is basically ASCII, so it's legible and even somewhat readable as long as you have proper indentation. That's not different from normal writing, where it's hard to read if you don't have paragraphs. It may not be easy to parse in your brain if to get to each element of a group you need to view several XML elements, but I don't think that was one of the design goals. As for whether it's easy to process programmatically, I never tried writing a full parser, so I can't comment, but I suppose it also depends on which tool you're using. In LabVIEW, at least so far, I agree that it hasn't been a very useful option.
  17. Hmm... Nothing there now, it just returns an error.
  18. That's a great initiative, Ben. :thumbup: How about giving a Wii to anyone coming into the blog? I just wanted to say that I also prefer the RSS option. It's very convenient for things like this. P.S. I only ever learned two things from the XY chart example: a) You can use a local variable to avoid using a USR. This mainly has advantages if you don't want to have long wires and you don't mind a copy of the data. b) how not to code. I never did understand why it looks like that when cleaning it up would only take an extra couple of minutes. As a side point, I also prefer my own version because it doesn't lose the existing data if the buffer length is changed.
  19. I don't use the ADO toolkit, but it probably uses a connection string to determine which database to connect to, so you should be able to set a different string to use another DB. It probably does require the ADO libraries, but I think those are installed with Windows.
  20. QUOTE(crelf @ Mar 4 2008, 10:05 PM) Whaddaya mean "old"? I've still got a tracker installed.
  21. QUOTE(phillip @ Mar 4 2008, 03:01 AM) I'm not sure you're using the functions correctly, but I don't feel like starting to read up on them to understand how they work. Essentially, a UINT should be a U32.
  22. QUOTE(Phillip Brooks @ Mar 4 2008, 01:32 PM) Because some of us use http://www.foxitsoftware.com/pdf/rd_intro.php' target="_blank">Foxit? It may not have all of Acrobat's features, but it's 5 MB for a single executable file and you can load it, read your document and close it in the same time it takes Acrobat just to load and ask you if you want to download updates. :thumbup: To be fair to Adobe, I haven't tried the latest versions of Acrobat, so they might have made it faster.
  23. QUOTE(jlokanis @ Mar 3 2008, 08:34 PM) Well, as you said: "You must ensure that the first call that sets the value completes before and subsequent calls execute."
  24. The thread Toby linked to also includes a link to the code capture tool, which includes VIs which allow writing an image to the clipboard.
  25. I didn't realize this was already an option. Looking at the way the site is rendered here, the text area is about 580 pixels wide, so I would say you can bump it to 550 without risking anything and the benefits are worth it. The viewable height in my browser is around 430 pixels, so I would say 400 is fine for the height, although I think height is less important than width, since we already scroll up and down. Thanks. Edit - even better, would it be possible to make this a user setting?
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