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Everything posted by Yair

  1. Yair

    Nice puppy!

    QUOTE (PaulG. @ Apr 2 2008, 09:38 PM) Just as long as they don't run on any OS existing today. I wouldn't want them to fail because of the switch to daylight saving time or something like that. QUOTE Imagine the look on a developer's face the first time he hits his robot out of frustration - and it hits him back. We should also be careful not to go http://pbfcomics.com/?cid=PBF115-Hug_Bot.jpg' rel='nofollow' target="_blank">the other way:
  2. QUOTE (Gary Rubin @ Apr 1 2008, 09:56 PM) He's still at NI (or at least he was a few months ago. I don't suppose that changed), but he just stopped posting online other than very rare appearances to the NI forums.
  3. Hmm, posted on April 1st by someone who joined three days ago.
  4. Yair

    Nice puppy!

    QUOTE (Cmal @ Apr 1 2008, 07:19 PM) That was actually exactly what I thought when I saw the original - "that's probably just two guys!". To be fair to me, it does look that way from the side. QUOTE (orko @ Apr 1 2008, 06:21 PM) When the guy kicked it was my favorite part. If that's the way we treat our robots, I hope we never ever develop AI.
  5. On the upside, the forums now display the anchor text in the email reply notifications (in parentheses). :thumbup:
  6. I think this has to do with how much data is actually in the structure. I will try to get a situation where I can reliably reproduce this and then investigate by removing stuff. If I still don't find anything, I'll post something then.
  7. Yair

    Earth Hour

    Or, if you believe that these things really help and want to contribute more than one hour - Blackle.
  8. QUOTE (pdc @ Mar 28 2008, 03:54 PM) It must have been a long time since the last time you installed LabVIEW. If memory serves, installing just LabVIEW itself takes around 30 minutes, and that does not include any toolkits and modules and mass compiling stuff.
  9. Another idea that I thought about now is modifying the OpenG VI so that I do the header analysis part of the variant parsing before building the EXE and save it as a constant, but that has its own disadvantages and I'm not sure how much improvement it will get me.
  10. QUOTE (Tomi Maila @ Mar 27 2008, 10:54 PM) EasyXML is only supported for 7.1 and higher. I suppose I could try it just to check, but I seem to remember from my testing that a lot of the problem lied in the variant VIs, which are also shared by that toolkit, if memory serves. QUOTE (PaulG. @ Mar 27 2008, 10:55 PM) We have some apps running in the field with HUGE clusters that use the OpenG variant config functions and to my knowledge they have been running fine for quite some time. Mine aren't huge. Combined, they probably have around 100-150 elements, some of which are in arrays, so the VIs have to iterate over them. LabVIEW 8.x does have better performance for variants, so I suppose this could be an issue either with the variant performance of LabVIEW or a specific thing which the VIs don't like in my clusters.
  11. I have a project which uses quite a large cluster with some large subclusters in arrays. These need to be saved occasionally and loaded at startup. Not very nice, but it's not my design and I wasn't really allowed to change it. Initially, I used the OpenG variant config VIs, which worked great, as always. At some point, however, they started taking 100% CPU and running slowly. I think it was after passing a certain critical mass in complexity, but I'm not sure. Upgrading to the latest version seemed to solve the problem, but it came back after a couple of days. Before I do any drastic changes, I was wondering what ideas people had for alternatives. Here are my thoughts: Can't use LVOOP because it's 7.0. Flattening the cluster to a string will work, but the problem is that I couldn't think of a way of upgrading from an older version without doing an explicit unbundle and bundle for every element from the old version to the new one, because the clusters have different types. Since the cluster is big, that's kind of nasty. Getting into the OpenG and NI VIs to optimize them. A lot of complex work. Not something I want to do currently. Changing the cluster content to be smaller. For example, placing controls of the same type into an array and indexing the values out of it. Then, I can keep using the OpenG VIs. This will require some work and make the code not as nice, but it currently looks like the best solution. Any other ideas?
  12. You might wish to save this as an LLB for easier distribution and download. If you use the OpenG builder, you can even include the OpenG VIs with your own namespace.
  13. That mockup does look better. I would also suggest coloring the side bar (where the user data and avatar are) in a different color, to make the post itself stand out better. Michael, the LAVA color scheme also has a similar issue - this shows the alternating colors LAVA uses for posts. The one on the right has more contrast and makes it easier to see where the title is and where the actual post is.
  14. I was actually thinking of the NI forums as well when I made that post. Personally, I prefer the NI forums layout to the LAVA forums layout, mostly because it's easier to read - the LAVA forums have too much "stuff" around the content for my liking. As for the colors, NI also uses a white background (which is a bit problematic), but the rest (post seperators, side bar) are not white, where in the EF forums they are white or a very light gray. This makes it harder for me to follow the structure of the page. Personally, I also have this problem somewhat with the LAVA forums. You should note that this might be different on different displays - it's possible that you see it just fine and I don't because I use a different screen.
  15. First of all, congratulations. This is good. Second, I wanted to say that the look which suits a blog doesn't seem to suit the forums. I'm not sure what it is, but I think it's too hard to tell the posts apart. Maybe they need more pronounced seperators. Also, the completely white background looks a bit weird.
  16. Michael, I can't reply or start a thread in the EF forums, even though I'm logged in. It says I don't have permission. Tomi, if you're reading this, what I wanted to say (other than congratulations) was that the look which suits a blog doesn't seem to suit the forums. I'm not sure what it is, but I think it's too hard to tell the posts apart. Maybe they need more pronounced seperators.
  17. I have no idea whether this will help or not, but you might wish to look into this. I don't know if this can be run on a RT target and if it's ODBC compliant, but it might work.
  18. Yair

    New LAVA member

    Welcome to LAVA. Just to be on the safe side - searching is also useful, and will usually get you the answers you want considerably faster.
  19. It seems to work fine now, thanks. QUOTE (Michael_Aivaliotis @ Mar 15 2008, 11:11 PM) Well, at home I usually use a PC with an old 17" CRT and I sit a bit far from the screen, so 800x600 seems to be a reasonable resolution. Since I don't really do LabVIEW work on this computer, I don't really mind.
  20. Another interesting point is that the image is actually displayed in its proper size until the page finishes loading and only then is minimized.
  21. Michael, the condition described in this thread seems to be happening again. Click the icon just opens the thread in the top of the page. I'm using IE 7.
  22. QUOTE (Gary Rubin @ Mar 14 2008, 02:52 PM) We did something like this with a local school (not me personally, but my boss). I believe it's NXT for middle school and LabVIEW for some of the kids in high school who needed some measurement, control and mechatronics stuff. Since it's a side project, it kind of got less attention and most of the effort recently was put in by the teacher who actually teaches the kids.
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