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Everything posted by Yair

  1. Kurt, I just started checking out the option of making IO classes with some inherited classes and the DataIO class definitely looks like a potential base for examination. :thumbup:
  2. QUOTE(Aristos Queue @ Feb 28 2007, 05:38 PM) Why? Do you want to give me a free copy of 9.0? :thumbup: I was planning on being at the last one, but that didn't work out. If I'll be at the next one I'll be sure to seek you out, but I don't think I need a private lesson, just to do some actual work to get the concept. :laugh:
  3. If you want to get the color of any pixel on the screen, you can probably use some Windows API functions to get the image of what appears on the screen. If you want the ugly way, you can simulate a PrintScreen click using the API functions (there are some VIs floating around to do this) and then use the Application class GetClipboardImage method (a private method in 7.x, so you need to enable scripting).
  4. QUOTE(jpdrolet @ Feb 26 2007, 11:09 PM) http://forums.lavag.org/index.php?act=attach&type=post&id=5049''>http://forums.lavag.org/index.php?act=attach&type=post&id=5049'>http://forums.lavag.org/index.php?act=attach&type=post&id=5049 It's always the little things that get you...
  5. Crosspost. When crossposting, it is considered polite to include a link to the other post so that if people answered there other people will not spend time giving the same answers. By the way, nice avatar.
  6. As far as I can tell, the only way to change the value in anything other than 1 is either using the shift key or using the up and down arrow keys on the keyboard. Using the increment\decrement buttons will not change the value by 0.1 even in 8.2 if I understand that correctly. You can either use the arrow keys or create your own increment\decrement buttons which will change the value of the slide through local variables. Just be sure to look out for race conditions.
  7. QUOTE(alfa @ Feb 26 2007, 07:23 AM) How about "Da da da dum... Da da da dummmmm"?
  8. I usually fire up the example finder if I'm going to use a feature which might be a bit complex (like a multiplot XY graph, which I never seem to manage to understand even after hovering over its terminal with the context help or dynamic event registration or ActiveX). Most OpenG VIs, as far as I can remember, are simple enough to understand so I don't think I'll be looking for examples for those, but now that I know that they are there, I might try to look for them for the more complicated functions.
  9. QUOTE(Tomi Maila @ Feb 25 2007, 01:09 AM) The problem is not with your English, which seems to be (as far as I remember) at the level of a native speaker (is Finland like Sweden, where a very strong emphasis is put on English?). My problem is mainly that you're throwing around OOP and computer science concepts I'm not familiar with (mixin classes, to take a recent example) and which I don't have time to properly study and with the fact that since I haven't really had a chance to play with it, I still don't really understand by-value OOP. I even downloaded your paper about this a while back (it's still on my HD), but I haven't had a chance to read it, since it was 30-something pages. Add that to the fact that I don't have 8.2, so I can't actually see the implementation for myself, and you will see why I'm having problems.
  10. Wow. That is quite an answer. Thanks. QUOTE(Aristos Queue @ Feb 24 2007, 02:44 AM) Not so much checking your credential as wondering about this feature. I only got to use 8.2 in the evaluation version, so I naturally had very little time to play with LVOOP, but I have tried following the LVOOP discussions at least at a skimming level, since I don't actually use 8.2 and reading and understanding everything that Tomi writes could be a full-time job. Come to think of it, it almost is your job. Basically, since your signature was so "absolute" I was wondering where you think the line should be drawn to start using LVOOP (which you've now explained), since it does seem to have some overhead. I'm sure that when I do start using 8.2 (or 9.0 or 9.1) I'll come back to this thread and to some of the other related reading material. QUOTE And now, if you'll excuse me, I have a bug to fix. A coworker has presented me a 1260 VI hierarchy involving 49 LabVIEW classes. And one of those VIs doesn't want to load in the latest development build. "It worked fine last week, but now is broken. I tried to pare it down, but everything seems ok if I take away any of the other 1259...." :ninja: Oooooh, sounds fun.
  11. QUOTE(Barrie @ Feb 23 2007, 09:46 AM) Yep, I agree. I quite like this song, although Making Movies also has several better songs ("Tunnel of Love", R&J and of course "Expresso Love" with the amazing guitar\piano opening). I won't mention the last song out of respect for Mark Knopfler. QUOTE(crelf @ Feb 23 2007, 03:31 PM) Just imagine that this shows the embedded video from the previous post. Ugh... 80's styling... She appears to be a rather good dancer, though.
  12. QUOTE(Michael_Aivaliotis @ Feb 22 2007, 11:11 PM) The first word I saw when I went there was "Police" so I thought you were going to point out http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/16469727/' target="_blank">the Police reunion.
  13. QUOTE(yen @ Feb 21 2007, 11:39 PM) And here's a full live version of it. And of course, my favorite part of the Alchemy CDs (other than the intro to Once Upon...) - the amazing with Mel Collins on the Sax.And speaking of great guitar work, check out Marble Town on AOL. Mark looks half dead, but his fingers are still working properly :thumbup: . As he put it in an interview I also just saw on Youtube (in French) - doing that is "très difficile".
  14. The Write Table to XL example does not show working with the ActiveX container, but the basic concept is the same - you get a reference to an ActiveX object and wire the reference into a property node to get the object's properties and into an invoke node to get the object's methods. If you want to see an example using the ActiveX container, you can look at some of the other examples, like the event callback for IE example or the 3D graph examples. In any case, the actual way of controlling the application you want (if it is even possible) is determined by the application, not by LabVIEW, so you can try looking at the documentation for that application to see the details about its interface.
  15. QUOTE(Ben @ Feb 21 2007, 07:13 PM) Ben - http://www.last.fm/music/Mark+Knopfler/_/Sailing+to+Philadelphia' target="_blank">here's one for you - it's about Mason and Dixon and a good demo of Mark's American phase.
  16. Well, I have to admit that is the best version of the song I've heard, but that one is far from being my favorite, even from the first album, where you have Down to the waterline, Lions and of course Sultans of swing. I think my absolute personal favorite is Lions. See here for some band doing their (fairly modified) version of it. It's not as good as the original, but it conveys the spirit of the song. Also, clearly tst is a person of good taste for having a line from that song in the signature. BTW, I found it extremely amusing to see Mark Knopfler turned from being English to being very American (just look at any album of his from recent years).
  17. QUOTE(crelf @ Feb 15 2007, 10:48 PM) Veja du, Hawky... (Now, who can come up with the source of the quote without searching?)
  18. I don't have any experience with this file type, but if the Test Connection button fails, how do you expect LabVIEW to be able to use the connection? All LV does is call the ADO methods which use this connection. You have to get the Test Connection button to return a successful connection before you can proceed. Is the DB on another computer? Are you defining the connection correctly (username, etc.)? Is it possible there is something corrupted with the DB file? And so on? You might want to search Google for problem related to connections to dBase DBs.
  19. QUOTE(alameer @ Feb 21 2007, 12:38 AM) I have no idea. As I said, it depends on the interface which the control provides, but you basically do it using property and invoke nodes. Search the example finder for "ActiveX" to see how to work with ActiveX containers.
  20. QUOTE(Michael_Aivaliotis @ Feb 20 2007, 11:46 PM) I've done a study about this (translation: I saw something on TV) and apparently there are one or two other languages involved as well.
  21. I don't have any experience with this program, but if you have it registered as an ActiveX control, then you can drop an ActiveX container on your FP, insert the control into it and control it with property and invoke nodes. If it's not registered as a control, then you should be able to use the VIs in the ActiveX palette to create an instance of the program and control it with property and invoke nodes. The actual way of controlling the program or the control will depend on the API supplied by the company which wrote the program.
  22. Stephen, First, I just wanted to thank you for all your support to the community over the years. You don't get too many R&D guys to be this involved. Second, the real question - Your signature is QUOTE and since you've had quite some time now with both the LVOOP beta and public releases I was wondering how much G coding do you do and how much of that uses LV classes (and is it all because you think that's the best tool or just because you want to work with your baby)?And lastly, I was just wondering if there was any significance to your user name (other than the queue part, obviously ).
  23. Since you want to change all the control in the page, the easiest thing to do is to create a property node for the tab control, get its Pages[] property, index out the reference to your page, get its Controls[] property and set the Disabled property of all the controls in a for loop to 0, 1 or 2 depending on what you want. For the indicators, it should not matter whether this property is set or not. Another option is to set the Page Enabled State property of the state, but if it's disabled you won't be able to access it at all through the tabs.
  24. QUOTE(Mike Ashe @ Feb 20 2007, 04:12 AM) You should be careful when you say that to a woman (which you were). In some states, you could probably get sued. QUOTE "Progress doesn't come from early risers - progress is made by lazy men looking for easier ways to do things." - R.A.H. Isn't Heinlein great? :laugh:
  25. QUOTE(Mike Ashe @ Feb 19 2007, 02:03 AM) This does exist to an extent. The developer suite comes with the VI analyzer which uses scripting and can run a large number of tests on your code. I don't have any experience with it myself, but I think it might be possible to add your own tests to it.
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