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Benjamin R

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Benjamin R last won the day on September 12 2019

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    LabVIEW 2018
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  1. Thanks for your really helpful answers, pointing me to the right place.
  2. Thanks @hooovahh for your answer. My concern is more about how to generate a new UpgradeCode as you can do it from the Installer property window. Is there any LabVIEW or Windows function that I can call to get a brand new oneƉ
  3. Hi everyone, I'm implementing a tool to create brand new project based on a custom project framework that include LV code and build specifications. After cloning and setting anything up and running, I need to find a way to update the installer UpgradeCodes of the installer build specifications defined in my project. I've tried some VIs from the AppBuilder or InstallerBuilder APIs (..\vi.lib\AppBuilder API and ..\vi.lib\InstallerBuilder) but nothing seems to let me change the UpgradeCode of an installer build specifications. Does anyone know if there is a way to do so?
  4. Hi Jim, Here an exemple. I just see that this example does not allow to resize the window. I will try to find a way to be able to do so. I know that there is a way in C# explain in this video. Let me know if this helps. SizeWindowToTab.zip
  5. Hi Jim, Have you try to use the Region Functions from the Windows API? You can download an LLB that call this API on here. Below an example base on the size of a Tab control. Hope this helps. Benjamin
  6. LabVIEW Limited Only By Your Imagination

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