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Everything posted by ShaunR

  1. The only real (practical) way out of this scenario is to use a database which handles locking,delayed writes and concurrency for you. Thats why websites run off databases and not file systems.
  2. Bingo! It's not really an x32 on x64 problem. It's an x32 in windows7 problem. there is only a finite number of addresses that can be gotten with a 32 bit number. Problem is, they are all towards the top end of the range since Win7 hogs most of the bottom. Without switching to X64. you will still be limited in the address space so 20 is probably the best you can hope for. The trick is, how to offset those addresses against the Windows7 OS to claw back some memory for your app. Try having a read of this. It works on Windows 7 (I believe and have been told, but never tried). where have I heard that before
  3. Vartor provide a "Crypto Pack" which (IMHO) is well worth the $20 especially as it comes with full source. It has (amongst other things) AES.
  4. Why not just use the "Deny Access" vi (should be in LV7.0 - under file IO>>advanced file functions).
  5. How hard is it to tx data and power through metal? My mains plugs do it pretty well
  6. If you are having difficulty with firefox. Open the image in a new tab before dragging to the desktop. It can be a bit of a pain in firefox. (it's even worse in chrome) You can tell it's a snippet because it has the hand,arrow and lv icon in the top left of the diagram image. It also has the labview version in the top right.
  7. If you are using exploere, just drag the image from explorer to an empty diagram. If you are using firefox, drag it to your desktop then drag it from there to an empty diagram. VI snippits are png image files with the actual code embedded in the image. When you drag the png image to a diagram, labview will re-create the code.
  8. Good choice. Just stick some length bits on the front (u64) and you are good to go.
  9. Can't help with the problem. But maybe can explain how it is different It is a "plug-in" control and resides in the "\resource\PlugInControls" directory. As far as I'm aware, it is an undocumented interface allowing controls to be created from external DLLs and resources. I have a feeling it was the way NI was going for custom controls before they decided on Xcontrols.
  10. Sorry to hear that dude. I'm in a slightly different position that I'm about to throw in the towel. But JKI seem to be sucking up any and all LV programmers. Maybe there's a chair there with your name on it already
  11. Well. My 2 cents. In practical terms; to transmit data over TCPIP you only need to know the length (ignore transport layers-at the application layer). How you bundle that data into the payload is irrelevant as long as you know how many bytes you are expecting. So simplest and most effective is a n-bit length and then your payload. You can use delimiters, but then you cannot send binary data without escaping it all and/or you have to put a lot more logic into your software to keep reading and testing data to find the end. That ticks all your boxes, for sending and receiving. It's the payload, however, that you need to decide how to package to make it "future" proof. Abstract the interface from the data and treat them separately. Once you have decided on how you are going to package it, it will either be a simple case of adding a length byte and transmitting, or the packaging will dictate that you use delimiters and (probably) some bloaty engine to parse it.
  12. Definitely "L-Vish". Explains 2011 to us halflings
  13. I wouldn't expect language like that from you of all people, Crelf. Are you going to give yourself a warning?
  14. A simple (not fool-proof) way is just to read the volume serial number of the USB stick. There's the "Windows API" in the CR tat will allow you to do that. Alternatively, you could read the device ID out of the windows registry.
  15. Your proposal will work well. It''s a centralised system and is proven to work well on small scale apps You could also consider a "de-centralised" system where each "module" (your serial thingies) is a producer AND consumer so that data can not only be streamed from them, but control messages can be sent to them. Consider, for example, that your new UI module wants to stop one (or all) of the serial modules - a common requirement. In a centralised system, the responsibly for that lies with the messaging node (your consumer) since it is the only part that is aware of the "STOP" message. At that point, things can get ugly as the app grows since now it's no longer just a consumer (just processing data), it's also a controller - so the responsibility boundary becomes blurred. In a decentralised system, you can (don't have to...but can) pass the message straight from the UI to one or all of the modules directly. It doesn't stop you having a centralised processing point for data being emitted from the modules. It's just a little more "modular" in terms of how everything can fit together.
  16. Well. I've got no idea what you are talking about. However. A LV picture speaks a thousand words so a quick glance at your code and it looks like you are just wanting to detect sign changes between 2 arrays of doubles? If this is correct then I would do something like this:
  17. Xnodes don't quite work like that (you would think it was similar to an Xcontrol...But it isn't) They are basically pre-packaged script nodes that are programmed to generate code when executed. So the xnode in question has lots of script to create a CLN and all the function parameters to interface to the DLL. The result is that at some point (not sure exactly when, maybe after compilation, or when you press the run button) the xnode runs, then creates the code and it is this generated code which runs in the place of the xnode - In this case a CLN in the UI thread. It's a lot of [script] code to generate a relatively small amount of real code that could have been created as you described and wrapped in a polymorphic VI for the adapt-to-type (no need for the intermediary DLL then and it wouldn't have to execute in the UI thread).
  18. Xnodes don't quite work like that (you would think it was similar to an Xcontrol...But it isn't) They are basically pre-packaged script nodes that are programmed to generate code when executed. So the xnode in question has lots of script to create a CLN and all the function parameters to interface to the DLL. The result is that at some point (not sure exactly when, maybe after compilation, or when you press the run button) the xnode runs, then creates the code and it is this generated code which runs in the place of the xnode - In this case a CLN in the UI thread. It's a lot of [script] code to generate a relatively small amount of real code that could have been created as you described and wrapped in a polymorphic VI for the adapt-to-type (no need for the intermediary DLL then and it wouldn't have to execute in the UI thread).
  19. Depends on which way you are looking at it......... Set it up once in MAX (make sure it all works). Export an nce file. Add it you your project. and set it in the installer. Once you build your installer you will only need to put it on a CD or USB stick or whatever and install it on any machine So effectively you use MAX to create your hardware "template" and then roll that out with the installer which will take care of configuring the target machines hardware. Your software will always use the same taks/channels regardless of which machine it is on and, as long as you put the C ID and DEV ID somewhere (file name is good if you just want to see at a glance in xplorer without opening files), you'll be able to track the results to the hardware. I would suggest also adding the date to the file name (e.g 2001-01-21) in that order then when you view the results you can sort them in explorer. Additionally, you can set the file date as a directory name and store your results by date making it easy to identify what was tested on which days. But it's just personal preference (one directory with lots of files or a few directories with a few files)
  20. Use the same name (in the tasks/channel/hardware configuration) or all the DAQ devices (say cDAQ). In your results file also save the DAQ devices serial number (you can read this using a property node shown below) and the computers ID (anything that identifies a unique computer - computer name, network card, IP address, HD serial etc). This way the executable will run on any suitcase, with any PC/DAQ (as long as they are all the same) but will save data that is traceable to a particular suitcase PC and/or a particular cDAQ.
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