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Everything posted by ShaunR

  1. If you want. You can easily add error prioritising to your error handler (then you can handle critical errors, warnings etc,etc).
  2. OK. I think its transparency. If you select the paint-brush tool and right click on my example that works and then change the background colour to T. It will also not work.
  3. Well. I've been through about 20 gifs. About 50% of them work. But I have found out that gifs that work in Labview don't work if I post them in here.
  4. Yup. An animated gif. That's about all that windows tells me. I don't know what type or version. Yours doesn't seem to work on my machine either. Hmmmm. Now I'm really interested
  5. The problem is we are pretty much stuck with the controls we are given. As we don't have access to the control canvas and the "OnRedraw" event, we cannot change the control (with the exception of a few cosmetics). Everything we do to get around it is really a kludge and not for the faint of heart. You are probably better off finding an Active X or .NET control tat supports images and using that.
  6. Doesn't get much simpler than an animated gif that is visible or not
  7. Too quick...lol http://www.screencast.com/users/Phallanx/folders/Jing/media/6d76d3b1-a19d-4657-8db9-35caa09e1fa4
  8. Import picture to clip-board. then paste.
  9. I quite like making the vi a little bit transparent (say 5-10%) it really brings the focus to the dialogue and is dead easy. But I'm +1 on disable and greying out controls.
  10. Project>>New>>Create New>>Class . Its quicker
  11. Stuck? How so?
  12. You wire a bullet to a gun and then to your foot, but when you press the trigger, the bullet shoots the gun and embeds the gun in your foot.
  13. I've come across various variations of this over time How To Shoot Yourself In The Foot In Any Programming Language What about Labview? We need an entry in this prestigious list. Suggestions? This is my favourite C++ You accidentally create a dozen clones of yourself and shoot them all in the foot. Emergency medical assistance is impossible since you can't tell which are bitwise copies and which are just pointing at others and saying, "That's me, over there."
  14. Not even a rep-point or effort?
  15. Well. I cannot use the server because it uses the old USB vi's But I think this is what you are after.
  16. Post my VIs you've modified that are showing the errors and I'll see whats up.
  17. And replace 1 small insignificant bug with 20 whopping huge ones
  18. Nope you are right (only 1/2 a rep point then ) When I launched your example (dbl clicked) it switched to 2010 instead of my usual 2009. Making sure 2009 was open when I dbl clicked made sure I was using 2009, and it worked ok without moding.
  19. Your example of the 2009 also fails on my 2009 SP1 (error 91). But if I remove the strict type it works again. I can switch backwards and forwards between it working and not working, so I'm not sure what you mean by "adding back the strict typedef setting has no effect" Hmmm. 2 cars? I didn't even get a rep-point
  20. If you uncheck "Include Data Type" on the VI server reference classes ( Run, abort. Text display tree etc). It works. And if you save it to 2009 and add the "include Data Type" it fails. A default setting has changed maybe?.
  21. I remember that article too. I also remember creating a distribution with just the lvrte.exe and the advanalys.dll (the latter was required for a lot of the trig/maths functions). And, if I remember correctly, if you were using other features you had to include those (like the VISA, DAQ and IMAQ dlls).
  22. I think its been slowly getting worse every iteration. There used to be a time when you might see "insane object at..." maybe 2 or 3 times a year, but you had to be abusing it. I often get 2009 disappearing when I delete something. But its better than 8.x (IMHO) which was a complete crock...But I think NI realise this which is why they have said 2011 will be a "stability" release. My personal opinion that any software shouldn't be released UNTIL it is stable. Don't bet that 2010 will be better. See how many bugs are still existing from 8.x. (2010 Known Issues)
  23. I think most people use some sort of Queue based error handling where each loop/subvi/process/task places a message on the queue which is handled by a dedicated error task.
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